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Search results

  1. Umenny

    Youtube I have no luck uploading shorts in 2023?

    If you are focusing on creating original content, it appears that the YouTube algorithm has undergone some changes. In the past, you were able to post up to 10 shorts a day and still receive views. However, it seems that currently, the algorithm favors videos that are posted once a day...
  2. Umenny

    Youtube I have no luck uploading shorts in 2023?

    Is it worthwhile to upload Shorts in 2024? I intend to upload 30 Shorts over the course of 30 days, focusing on creating original content that doesn't infringe on copyright. My goal is to see if I can reach the monetization threshold and become eligible for monetization.
  3. Umenny

    What is the best approach to acquiring programming skills?

    Many thanks to everyone for their assistance! Wishing you a fantastic week ahead :)
  4. Umenny

    I want to seo rank my amazon product

    Check this website. https://shoutcart.com/
  5. Umenny

    How to emulate tiktok on pc?

    Which option do you suggest? I've heard that using actual phones is more effective and prevents account blocking. How has that approach been working for you?
  6. Umenny


    Hmmm it was quite good.
  7. Umenny

    Newbie question regarding mother/save method?

    On a more limited level, F/UF demonstrates its superiority. In the event that any of your duplicate accounts are marked, all other associated content will be eliminated simultaneously.
  8. Umenny

    Advertising and publicizing a game to increase its visibility and attract more players.

    I agree with you that spending tens of thousands per month is not something I can do, haha. Even if I were capable of it, I still wouldn't do it, as you rightly pointed out that it's not worth it. For now, I'll go with the bet and apply a competitive competition plan, and I'll adapt it to meet...
  9. Umenny

    Where are cheapest tiktok coins?

    Nowadays, I always find it essential to compare the price of Turkey with similar offerings.
  10. Umenny

    Youtube How can I get more views to my channel?

    Hey, why don't you create a brief video featuring popular concepts? And remember to be patient. Produce numerous videos with compelling content. Without a doubt, your views will grow.
  11. Umenny

    Facebook employees getting fired. How it will effect customer support?

    Take a look at the current news: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/05/meta-layoffs-gut-customer-service-leaving-influencers-without-reps.html
  12. Umenny

    I will explain you how to get clients on Instagram!

    This guide seems to be quite comprehensive. Have you obtained any concrete outcomes from using this approach?
  13. Umenny

    Feel free to ask me anything about dropshipping, which allowed me to make more than 700,000 euros in about 18 months.

    Congratulations on your success with dropshipping! Do you believe that dropshipping as an industry is becoming oversaturated? Additionally, have you considered using influencers to promote your store and products? Do you believe that influencer marketing is a viable strategy, particularly for...
  14. Umenny

    Youtube This is method how to make money from Youtube COPYRIGHED Tv shows, Movies, Animes and much more!

    It's great to learn about such topics. I'll definitely continue sharing valuable information like this.
  15. Umenny

    Are pinterest days over?

    It has the potential to be effective, similar to using pins from regular websites, but it becomes even more convenient to expand the reach using automated blogs.
  16. Umenny

    Youtube How long does algorithm takes time to rank my videos?

    Do you enjoy watching your own videos? If your answer is no, chances are others won't like them either. On the other hand, if you genuinely enjoy watching your own content, it's likely that others will find it enjoyable as well.
  17. Umenny

    I made $12,000 in a year with Crypto without putting any money into

    Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Today, I am excited to share with you a method that has exceeded my expectations and is still a hot topic in the market. The best part is that you can earn without making any investment, making it a great way to generate additional passive income...
  18. Umenny

    Most secure way to Follow/Unfollow on IG without compromising accounts?

    Engage in a batch of 40 follow/unfollow actions simultaneously, followed by a period of inactivity. This way, you ensure that you are not spamming your account.
  19. Umenny

    Blog What are the best ways to improve the ranking of my recently launched travel blog?

    Revisit your keyword research and start from scratch. Instead of targeting a wide range of locations, focus on one or a few places that are in close proximity, preferably starting with your local area. For each specific city, adopt a long-tail keyword strategy. For instance, if you're...
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