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GOALS Journey to 2K/Month To Quit IRL Job. SEO/Amazon/ADS/Coding my own bots



Well-known member

Reputation: 48%
Jul 18, 2017
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A big thank you to @Shaunm, @Kikerinka, and @Bloooop for sharing their journeys. I've learned a ton from them and wish them all the best in their endeavors.
Of course, I remember you! You always ask great questions in the top journeys here. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread.


Well-known member

Reputation: 29%
May 15, 2018
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Of course, I remember you! You always ask great questions in the top journeys here. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread.

Absolutely! With so many successful journeys out there, we should always seize the chance to learn a little more.


Well-known member

Reputation: 31%
May 13, 2019
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You know what's kinda funny? My website, which is less than 3 weeks old, is already getting more traffic from search engines than Reddit and Quora, even though I post on those platforms almost every day!



Active member

Reputation: 29%
Dec 4, 2017
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Update, Day 20: Total articles posted: 41 (+1)

Feeling burnt out from writing articles every day, even if they're not long. Need to take it easy from now on.

Wrote one more article.

Made Reddit posting less strict, got six more posts today. This is the last time I deal with it, takes over an hour and it's really repetitive.

Ranking Updates:


Another keyword made it to the Top 3, and now I have a total of 37 keywords in the top 100! Out of 43, not 53. Not sure where I went wrong, but it seems like my total keyword count is being miscalculated.

Yesterday's traffic:



Active member

Reputation: 25%
Dec 12, 2019
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Update, Day 21: Total articles posted: 43 (+2)
Added two more articles, this time targeting different keywords. Previously, most of the posts were focused on one niche.
Noticed that the earliest articles I wrote aren't ranking in the top 100 for some reason. They have unique content and are between 800-1.2k words. It could be because they're in a niche with only a few posts, and only one of them is in the top 100. Strange.
Fixed a problem in my Google rank tracker.
Ran the Reddit bot and got a few more posts.
Made $4.5 today, sold a product worth over $200, and still have two more to send out.


Well-known member

Reputation: 38%
Sep 11, 2019
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I enjoy projects that involve using software! Good luck with yours! By the way, do you use any drag-and-drop tools for Tkinter, or do you just code everything?


Well-known member

Reputation: 26%
May 17, 2020
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I enjoy projects that involve using software! Good luck with yours! By the way, do you use any drag-and-drop tools for Tkinter, or do you just code everything?

I only use code. I don't think there are any drag-and-drop tools available for Tkinter, but I could be mistaken.


Well-known member

Reputation: 31%
May 13, 2019
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"Update, Day 22: 43 articles posted in total (no new ones today).

I didn't do much today because I had to take care of some real-life stuff, so I just relaxed. It's okay to take it easy sometimes since the website needs time to grow.

The only thing I did was use the Reddit tool to make a few posts."


Well-known member

Reputation: 31%
Jul 6, 2019
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Update, Day: 23
Articles posted so far: 44 (+1)

Didn't do much today. I'm letting the website get older and want to relax a bit because I have a very busy couple of weeks ahead at my job. I'll be on vacation in 2 weeks, so I plan to put more effort into the website then.

Wrote 1 article
Used a Reddit Poster to make a few more posts.
Out of 47 keywords I'm tracking, 40 are in the Top 100.

I've decided to look back and do some research on my previous articles.


My old articles, even though they're completely original, aren't showing up in the top 100 search results, despite being 800 to 1.2k words long and targeting low competition keywords. Their keyword density is between 1-2%, which isn't very high, but since the keywords are long (4-5 words), maybe it's considered too much? Not sure. I don't usually stuff my articles with keywords, but I'll try to reduce it a bit more.

Interestingly, one of my test posts ranked number 1 for a specific keyword. This post was an experiment to see if I could get it to rank for similar products (like "Best iPhone X and Xs Review"), aiming for two different models. It ranked top for "Best iPhone X" but didn't make it into the top 100 for "Best iPhone Xs," even though I mentioned the iPhone Xs several times. I'm not sure why, but maybe Google prefers reviews to focus very specifically on one thing? If it doesn't start ranking soon, I'll take the "Xs" out of the title and create a separate post for it, because the keyword seems worth pursuing. P.S.: "Best iPhone X" is just an example, not the actual keyword...

I also tried out two posts to see if I could rank for many different products by listing them one after another, like: "keyword to rank for: list products 1 by 1". So far, it seems like it's not working. The best rank for the first post is in the top 30, and the second post isn't even in the top 100 yet. It's still too soon to say for sure, but it doesn't look good.

The articles that are just 200 words long and have content that's not unique are really unpredictable. Some are doing amazingly well and are in the top 10, but about 90% of them are ranking somewhere between the top 30 and top 80. This might be because of the website's age (that's what I'm guessing), since these articles are new and probably shouldn't be ranking high yet. But it's strange that some are doing really well while the rest aren't moving much.

I have 4 posts ranking in the top 111, and they all use longer keywords. Here's how they're doing:

Post at #4: Keyword is used 2.56% of the time, with 300 words of unique content out of 500 words total.
Post at #6: Keyword is used 2.79% of the time, with 175 words of unique content out of 700 words total.
Post at #8: Keyword is used 1.59% of the time, with 286 words of unique content out of 1276 words total.
Post at #11: Keyword is used 1.80% of the time, with 430 words of unique content out of 1093 words total.
It seems like using keywords a lot might actually work better, even if there's less unique content and fewer words overall. The keywords for posts #8 and #11 are a bit less competitive, but both are still pretty easy to rank for.

This doesn't really help me figure out what I'm doing right or wrong. But, since it's only been 3 weeks, I'm going to wait another month or so before I decide if I should update these articles. If there's no significant improvement, I'll have to think about what to do next.

The goal is to make $100 a month in profit so I can pay for conversion.ai and use it to create 100% unique content for all future articles.

Here's a screenshot of the case study posts up to now:



Well-known member

Reputation: 31%
May 13, 2017
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Update, Day: 24
Total articles posted so far: 48 (+4)

Wrote 4 more articles today. Actually, I only wrote 2 and then used Quillbot to rewrite them for 2 more keywords. I want to keep trying out these methods to see what works best.

I'm going to test a new tool for copywriting called Copy.ai. I'll share my results and thoughts in a day or two, along with an example of the content it creates.

Rankings went down a bit today, but that's normal with Google's fluctuations. Traffic has stayed steady.

I'll give a bigger update on Day 30.


Well-known member

Reputation: 26%
Dec 16, 2020
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Update, Day 25: Number of articles published: 50 (+2 more)

I used a tool to post on Reddit and got some posts up pretty quickly, which was good.

I spent a few hours learning how to use copy.ai a little bit.

Yesterday, I wrote an article a few hours after giving the update because I couldn't sleep.

Today, I wrote another article using Copy.ai.

Copy.ai is really good at writing descriptions for products. I've tried two tools, conversion.ai and copy.ai, and both are really good at writing quality content, much better than if I had written it myself.

Conversion.ai content optimizer is like a tool that rewrites content really well. But unfortunately, I haven't had much success with copy.ai's rewriting feature. It's a new addition, but it's not very good compared to the content optimizer from Conversion.ai.

However, I absolutely prefer copy.ai for writing product descriptions. It can easily generate 100-300 words just by using the product descriptions from Amazon.

And honestly, when you think about the price difference between the unlimited version of copy.ai and Conversion.ai, I'm not sure if it's worth paying for Conversion.ai.

I'll definitely stick with copy.ai, especially if they make their rewriting function better.

Here's a small example article from Copy.AI:

AI Article Writing

Artificial intelligence is getting smarter and smarter very quickly. We're now creating systems that can learn and remember things on their own. Computers can now make decisions based more on thinking than just following rules. This can be tricky for humans who value creativity, because thinking relies on making assumptions, which isn't always easy. But AI has a solution: machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can learn from data and make decisions, even without human input!

How AI writing is different from regular article writing

Writing articles traditionally takes a lot of time and effort. Writers have to do research and make sure their work is original. This can be costly. But with AI, writing has become much easier. You can now create good quality content quickly and without much hassle.

Artificial Intelligence is becoming very popular and widely used. Many experts think it will be as big a change as when the internet became widespread. Leaders in the tech industry, like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking, say AI will be even more important than the internet. Actually, AI is already all around us, and we use it every day without realizing it. Industries and technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cloud computing, and Machine Learning are growing fast. They need advanced solutions that can handle lots of tasks without people needing to do them. Before, these solutions needed big teams of experts and lots of resources to make them work. But now, smart algorithms based on AI are changing that fast.

Product description example:

If you've ever had a dog or a cat, you know how they can leave your floors covered in pet hair that's really hard to clean. But this Eureka handheld vacuum can help! It's got some really cool features, like cleaning right up to the edges, an easy-to-empty cup, and it can even steer around obstacles easily. Plus, it's got great filters that catch even tiny dust particles, and it's got strong suction thanks to its powerful motor. And the best part? It's a great product at a really good price!

I think once I finish working on the 0 MS keywords (the ones I didn't put much effort into), I'll be able to write really good articles using copy.ai. Especially when I start writing individual product descriptions. It also seems to work better with informational keywords rather than ones like "best xxxx".


Well-known member

Reputation: 27%
Apr 7, 2018
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I've tried two tools, conversion.ai and copy.ai, and both are really good at writing quality content, much better than if I had written it myself.

Yep, they both come from OpenAI, so they're pretty similar! The main differences are in how they train the AI and how they make sure the text is good. And of course, the price and credits can vary too.


Well-known member

Reputation: 37%
May 14, 2019
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Best of luck! I'm sure you'll do great. We all stumble sometimes, but as long as you keep going, everything will be fine. I'm definitely rooting for you!


Well-known member

Reputation: 36%
Sep 6, 2018
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Update, Day 26: Total articles posted: 50 (no change)
Didn't write any new articles because I was busy all day. My real-life relationship isn't going well, so it's been taking up a lot of my time and making me more upset than it should.
Changed web hosting to Hostinger, but it took about 5 hours to move the website, which was really frustrating. The site was down for more than 6 hours. I believe it's working properly now, but I'll need to double-check today or tomorrow before deleting the old hosting files.

Our rankings shot up like crazy, with about 20 keywords now in the top 10, and 2 or 3 even in the top 3.

But strangely, some of our old articles aren't even in the top 100, even though they have completely unique content. And when I add new articles, about 1 out of every 5 to 7 doesn't show up within the top 100, while the rest almost instantly make it to the top 20. It's really weird, and I can't figure out why it's happening.

Yep, they both come from OpenAI, so they're pretty similar! The main differences are in how they train the AI and how they make sure the text is good. And of course, the price and credits can vary too.
They're actually really good. Copy.ai costs less than Conversion.ai, but it doesn't have the content optimizer or longform content feature yet. If they add that, it'll be amazing.

Best of luck! I'm sure you'll do great. We all stumble sometimes, but as long as you keep going, everything will be fine. I'm definitely rooting for you!

Thanks, buddy! I really appreciate it.


Active member

Reputation: 28%
May 12, 2019
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Best of luck on your journey! Your posts also inspire me.


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
May 14, 2017
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Wow! Your sales come in really quickly! How do you do it? Are your buying guides ranking on the first page, or is it the visitors who read your informational articles and then decide to check out some of your product reviews?
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Active member

Reputation: 23%
Jul 3, 2020
Reaction score
Best of luck on your journey! Your posts also inspire me.
"Thank you"
Wow! Your sales come in really quickly! How do you do it? Are your buying guides ranking on the first page, or is it the visitors who read your informational articles and then decide to check out some of your product reviews?

From the 50 posts I've written so far, most of them, about 49, focus on the best xxx type of keywords. Some are already ranking well, especially because I'm targeting keywords with zero competition, although they're not exactly zero competition.

I'm getting about 10 to 20 clicks every day from search engines and a similar number from Reddit. Interestingly, I'm getting a lot of clicks on my affiliate links, around 15 to 40 per day, even though the conversion rate is low at about 2%. However, I've managed to make 6 sales in the first month on this site, which isn't too bad considering I wasn't expecting any income for the first 3 months.

I still have around 40 more posts planned focusing on the best xxx type of keywords before I switch to creating informational content for AdSense or Ezoic ads.


Active member

Reputation: 27%
Nov 30, 2021
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"Thank you"

From the 50 posts I've written so far, most of them, about 49, focus on the best xxx type of keywords. Some are already ranking well, especially because I'm targeting keywords with zero competition, although they're not exactly zero competition.

I'm getting about 10 to 20 clicks every day from search engines and a similar number from Reddit. Interestingly, I'm getting a lot of clicks on my affiliate links, around 15 to 40 per day, even though the conversion rate is low at about 2%. However, I've managed to make 6 sales in the first month on this site, which isn't too bad considering I wasn't expecting any income for the first 3 months.

I still have around 40 more posts planned focusing on the best xxx type of keywords before I switch to creating informational content for AdSense or Ezoic ads.

Cool! So you pick your topic only if no websites are ranking for that keyword in the "allintitle" results? That's my strategy too. I usually write about topics that don't have much coverage or answer popular questions on platforms like Quora. It's been working well for me. In just 3 months, I'm getting 150-200 visitors per day. I'd love it if you could check out my journey and give me some advice on what I could do better. I want to learn from someone with your experience, since you've been doing this for many years.

If you use Skype, I'd love to chat there! I have a lot of questions. Good luck, buddy! God bless!
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