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You need to be more specific with your questions.
Are you looking to grow from [current level] to [target level] within the next [time frame]?
And yes, Facebook Ads are still effective for gaining legitimate followers on your IG accounts.
Recently joined.
Username and profile primarily serve as advertisements.
Has already attempted to sell something.
I'm skeptical that this thread is seeking authentic contributions.
But that's just about the volume, right? Targeting new followers on the slave accounts daily shouldn't be too much. I'm just concerned about sending the same DM with the same @ handle 10-20 times a day.
That’s a great share and has the potential to generate significant revenue.
It requires effort, but if you're not willing to work, you shouldn't expect to reap the benefits.
Hello, I've consistently assisted my clients in managing paid advertisements for the gambling industry. If you're interested in a potential partnership, I can provide you with some portfolio examples. Let me know!
Thanks, I'll definitely try that out. Does Instagram keep track of your direct messages and how many times you mention others (@'s) in them? Or do you have a different approach?
Make your own simple changes to the clip, like adding emojis, quick cuts, or a bit of zoom. Doing this regularly makes a big difference. I usually try to change about 20-30% of the clip before reposting.
Sure, feel free to use mine! I run a small agency with just myself and two part-timers. Nobody really pays attention because of our small team size. Send me a direct message for more details!
I'm looking for a reliable way to increase watch hours on my YouTube channel.
It should be affordable and the watch hours should stay without dropping. I've tried some services, but they haven't been very stable.
Do you know a good place to get watch hours that won't drop, at least until...
Avoid making any payments for it; the current state is subpar. I've acquired the knowledge on how to manage it using InstAccountsManager to buy accounts and proxies. While you have the option to do it yourself, Instagram has become adept at detecting and banning such accounts, resulting in an...
I want to hear about your experiences in funneling your mother/child strategy to the mother account. I've tried different methods like posting with tags, reposting stories, or putting the tag directly in the bio. I'm also considering more discreet funnels like tagging a private account with...
You could open 10 small coffee shops (or any other popular small business in your city) and maybe together they'd make that kind of money. Of course, it also depends on where you live—I doubt coffee shops are a good idea in a hot equatorial climate—but you get what I'm saying.
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