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Youtube Youtube issues - Shadowbans, Views drop AND ofcourse possible fixes?


Well-known member

Reputation: 36%
Oct 15, 2018
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Please note that this is a case study, and it will involve a lengthy read.

To begin with, it's important to note that on a general level, shadowbans, as discussed by various algorithm experts, do not actually exist. Any decline in reach or engagement can usually be resolved by improving the quality of your content. However, it's worth considering that social media platforms might have unreveald defense mechanisms in place to address issues such as spam, controversial topics, platform abuse, and the dissemination of misinformation.

When experiencing a sudden drop in views, it's crucial to understand that there are numerous factors at play, as I have observed and researched over the past few years. It's not always attributable to a shadowban, as there could be other causes involved.

In the following list, you will find a compilation of potential reasons that could lead to such a drop in views and recommendations on how to address them:

  1. The Views Threshold Theory:
For smaller channels, particularly those with around 1,000 subscribers or newly monetized channels, a sudden decline in recommendations or overall channel performance can often be attributed to the Views Threshold Theory. This theory is based on the size and authority of the channel.

Observations across multiple channels have led to the understanding of the Views Threshold Theory. According to this theory, the rate at which a channel's videos are suggested, in terms of daily or monthly views, is directly proportional to the size of the channel (with exceptions being channels that employ extensive promotional methods or produce exceptional content that the algorithm recognizes and allows to break out of this threshold). In general, smaller channels with 1,000 subscribers may have lower monthly view limits compared to channels with 100,000 subscribers or more.

The Views Threshold Theory is akin to a backend system on YouTube that has predefined limits set for channels, similar to the exposed "pscore" system. For instance, if your monthly hidden views threshold is set at 1 million views, YouTube will distribute those views throughout the month in such a way that you either reach or just slightly exceed that threshold. Afterward, you may experience a significant decrease or even a complete halt in views for the remaining days of the month, as the threshold has been reached.

This threshold system is YouTube's way of adjusting view limits to provide every channel with a fair chance. However, it's important to note that as your channel grows, your view threshold limits can also increase. These limits can fluctuate depending on algorithm cycles, which will be explained further in point 14. It's crucial to understand that hitting a certain view threshold in one month does not guarantee exceeding that number in the following month. The snowball effect of ever-increasing views is not constant on YouTube and can vary with spikes and drops.

To understand the reasons behind these view threshold limits, consider the following factors:

  1. The global population is limited.
  2. The number of YouTube users is limited.
  3. Advertiser budgets are finite and limited (not infinite).
  4. Global payouts must be limited due to the finite advertiser budgets, ensuring fair distribution.
  5. The number of creators and channels on the platform is continually increasing, which further necessitates distribution and can lead to drops in global payouts and CPMs compared to when the platform had fewer users.
Therefore, global recommendations are limited, meaning there is a restricted amount of views that the algorithm can provide globally. Consequently, advertiser budgets also need to be limited. It's important to understand that stable views or obtaining all possible views is not guaranteed unless you consistently produce exceptional content and employ effective promotion methods, as the YouTube algorithm strives to give all creators a fair chance.

  1. The Sandbox:
The sandbox is a concealed feature implemented to safeguard the platform against spam, hacks, and abuse. It applies to newly created channels as well as old, inactive channels. When a channel is in the sandbox, its reach, recommendations, and search visibility are limited. There is typically a window of approximately 1 week to 1 month before the channel starts appearing in search results and recommendations.

Even for actively running channels that are already receiving suggestions and performing well, the sandbox can still come into effect under certain circumstances. Factors such as changes in IP address, device, or channel ownership (e.g., switching to a new email address) can trigger the sandbox. In such cases, the channel remains in the sandbox for a duration of 1 week to a month until Google gains trust in the channel with the new device, IP, or email, and subsequently releases it from the sandbox.

  1. Sudden Content Change:
Making a sudden shift to unrelated content can result in a decline in views. In such cases, you may need to consistently post more videos until the algorithm identifies a new audience for your new content. However, this process can be expedited by receiving promotion from an already active channel in the form of playlist views, end screens, or community posts. When you gain a significant number of views through promotion from other active channels, you will acquire their audience as a foundation to grow your own channel and increase your chances of being recommended to a wider audience in the future. Consequently, YouTube will begin recommending your fresh content to these new audiences who discovered your channel through the promotion.

  1. Extended Periods of Inactivity:
If you are a frequent poster, taking long breaks from uploading content can result in the algorithm penalizing your channel. However, it's important to note that there are exceptions to this scenario. The impact of long breaks depends on the regularity and schedule of video postings that the algorithm has recognized for your channel. Additionally, content quality levels and the channel's "pscore" can also play a role.

Interestingly, some channels may only post videos once or twice a year and still garner a significant number of views compared to channels that upload content on a daily basis.

  1. Deleting a Substantial Number of Videos/Streams (with High Views/Watch Time):
Deleting a significant number of videos or streams on your channel, especially those that contribute a large portion of your views and watch time, can result in a sudden decline in YouTube recommendations for your channel. When a video is deleted, the associated views and watch time are also removed from your channel's metrics. The authority and recommendation levels of your channel are influenced by the accumulation of views and watch time. Thus, deleting videos with substantial views and watch time can have a detrimental impact on your channel's recommendations.

  1. Poor Quality or Irrelevant Content:
This scenario is quite straightforward. If your content is of low quality or lacks relevance, it is unlikely to go viral regardless of the circumstances. For instance, if you purchase a channel with a history of viral content and then proceed to post subpar or irrelevant content, the lack of success cannot be attributed to the channel being shadowbanned or facing any other restriction. It simply means that the content itself is not appealing or engaging enough to attract a large audience.

  1. Posting Controversial Content and its Impact on Views:
This point requires little explanation. Posting controversial content can result in a decline in views.

  1. Impact of Spam on Views:
Any content or method employed to spam the platform, which has a detrimental effect on the user experience or harms the platform in any way, can lead to a decrease in views.

  1. Impact of Running Multiple Channels on the Same IP/Device and Attempting to Spam Similar Content:
Running numerous channels on the same IP/device/AdSense account with the intention of spamming similar or duplicate content can lead to a sudden drop in views, shadowbanning, or the distribution of views across these channels instead of multiplying them. This can be seen as a form of shadowban or a hidden limitation on views, implemented to safeguard the platform from people attempting to scale their revenue with minimal effort.

Many people become tempted to scale their earnings by spamming mindless duplicate or similar content across multiple channels. However, achieving substantial growth on YouTube is much more challenging than it may seem. It requires professional methods, knowledge, and strategic execution to succeed, especially in stealth mode.

While this approach may have worked in the past, recent updates have made it significantly more difficult. YouTube now identifies and flags channels engaging in spamming practices, particularly those operating on the same IP/device/AdSense. To overcome this, having a whitelisted AdSense account is necessary to avoid throttling. Alternatively, running channels in stealth mode with different AdSense accounts, virtual machines, and IP addresses can help evade detection.

It's important to note that this problem primarily affects monetized channels more than non-monetized ones. From my experience, non-monetized channels tend to have higher limits and do not experience view throttling, even when operating on the same IP. YouTube generally does not scrutinize these channels as much, as they are less prone to being exploited for easy ad revenue, except in cases such as the copyright claiming method, which has also been heavily restricted by recent crackdowns.

  1. Impact of Copyright Strikes on Views:
Copyright strikes have the potential to significantly reduce views and reach for a channel, and their effects can last for several months, typically around three months. These strikes can be seen as a form of hidden punishment aimed at channels that attempt to abuse the system or infringe upon copyright laws.

  1. Flagging of Content or Niche by YouTube due to Saturation or Spam:
YouTube has the ability to manually flag certain niches or trends that have become overly saturated or prone to spam. As a result, the reach of such content can be limited. If you find yourself in a niche that experiences a sudden drop in views, it is important to consider this factor as a potential cause, rather than assuming it to be a shadowban.

  1. Reaching the Maximum Global Recommendations for a Niche and Its Impact on Views:
When a channel maximizes the global recommendations available for its specific niche, it can result in a decline in views. In such cases, you may need to consider either switching to a new channel, as the current one has reached its maximum potential within that niche, or making significant improvements to your channel to initiate a fresh recommendation cycle from scratch within the same available audience.

The size of a niche is determined by the amount of available audience it has. Larger niches have a greater audience base, while smaller niches have a limited audience.

Examples of niches with the largest available audiences include general entertainment, gaming, music, kids' content, funny videos, and viral content.

  1. Impact of Algorithm Cycles on Views:
It is important to recognize that algorithm cycles occur on every YouTube channel. These cycles involve fluctuations in views, with periods of spikes and drops experienced throughout the channel's lifetime. It is crucial to differentiate between algorithm cycles and shadowbans to understand the normal fluctuations experienced by all channels.

During algorithm cycles, you may observe a peak in views, such as reaching 90% of your usual views, which can be sustained for a certain period. However, it may be followed by a sudden drop in views to 40% or even 20% of the previous peak. Some people may panic and mistakenly attribute this to a shadowban, when in reality, it is simply part of the normal algorithm cycles experienced by channels.

On the other hand, an actual shadowban would result in a significant drop of 90% to 100% in views, indicating that there is indeed an issue with the channel. For instance, going from 100,000 views per day to only 1,000 views per day or no suggestions at all would be a clear indication of a potential shadowban. Various factors, as discussed in previous points, can contribute to a shadowban situation.

It is essential to consider these distinctions and assess the severity of the drop in views to determine whether it is a temporary effect of algorithm cycles or a genuine shadowban impacting the channel's visibility.


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
Mar 15, 2016
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The concept of the threshold theory is often associated with being a conspiracy theory.


Well-known member

Reputation: 30%
Jun 22, 2020
Reaction score
Having a thorough understanding of quality content and real engagement is crucial for anyone aiming to achieve success on YouTube. These aspects are essential for growth and should be known by all aspiring YouTubers. Well done, Original Poster (OP), for your great work!


Well-known member

Reputation: 30%
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
You're welcome! I'm glad I could provide valuable information. I'm happy to hear that you found it helpful. Feel free to save it for future reference!


Well-known member

Reputation: 29%
Sep 14, 2019
Reaction score
I'm glad you enjoyed the read! Thank you for the appreciation. Just a heads up, it seems there's a missing item in the list as there is no number 10 mentioned.


Well-known member

Reputation: 23%
Jun 9, 2015
Reaction score
This holds significance not just for the decrease in views, but for other aspects as well.


Well-known member

Reputation: 36%
Oct 15, 2018
Reaction score
The concept of the threshold theory is often associated with being a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, kind of. Right now, I'd label it more as a hypothesis until there's more evidence to back it up, like additional data. What I've noticed so far is that this effect seems to be consistent across various channels.
In the past, we've tried using fake boosting methods to push videos in the algorithm. It seems there's a sort of cap on the daily recommended views based on the channel size. When we inflate views artificially, the video tends to get suggested more. Overboosting works to some extent, but even that has its limits. Pumping it with a ton of fake views pushes it to a certain suggested limit. However, going beyond that is futile; the cap or limit can't be surpassed until the algorithm resets for the next day.
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