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GOALS Goal - 1 million dollars revenue a year in 18 months!



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Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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I'm embarking on a significant project, and I want to keep you in the loop as I piece it together. Despite the catchy title, this is about revenue, not profit.

My earnings vary between 5% and 30% of revenue, depending on my role in transactions. The specifics of my financial planning may not be relevant to you, as individual circumstances differ.

While not everything I discuss is free, most falls under the category of Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). Occasionally, I might refer to or display code that I've created for a specific use case on the spot. Please note that this is not a promotional effort for any product; it's simply an example implementation.

There are no affiliate programs to join (though creating them is a savvy move), and I won't be involved in any memberships or ventures. My approach is white hat, but it may not align with everyone's standards. I operate in an industry with certain flexibilities, especially regarding telemarketing and solicitation regulations. Consequently, some tactics I employ might violate the terms of service on platforms you use or conflict with legal restrictions in your industry or region. It's your responsibility to be aware of these factors.

Stay tuned—this journey is far from over!


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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Do you have any investors? Why specifically 5%?
No, it's my own business, but I usually handle many roles at the beginning. As the business grows, I plan to pass these roles to others. So, I'm planning the payouts from the start. Over time, I'll step back and take a smaller share or a larger portion of revenue.
For example, if we think of it as a pie chart:
  • 60% goes to core project expenses
  • 5% to the chair (me), capped at $120k
  • 5% to the treasurer (me), capped at $120k
  • 5% to financial transactions
  • 5% to tech
  • 15% to tier 1 sales (like affiliate sales reps or fundraisers)
  • 5% to tier 2 sales (like sales managers or recruiter for fundraisers)
This all adds up to 100%. These percentages might sound strange in other industries, but they work well in mine.


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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Alright, I'm going to spill out a bunch of ideas. Some might scare you, some might catch your interest, some might confuse you, and some might make you think I'm crazy or just plain dumb. Take a look and decide if you want to stick around or forget about it altogether.

Here are some key points:
I use Windows 10 in a virtual machine (VM) for certain software like Scrapebox, Browser Automation Studio, and Power Automate. Eventually, I'll incorporate this setup into our project. But don't think you can solve everything with CMD or PowerShell commands—I prefer a Unix-like approach to my work.
While cloud computing is popular, I prefer to live on the edge. So, for this project, we'll set up a Kubernetes (K8S) cluster spanning multiple time zones, but initially, we won't use scaling cloud services. Instead, we'll install everything on bare virtual metal. I aim to keep costs low, paying just a dollar an hour for scaling services that cover their own expenses.
This journey isn't about following one specific method. I'm sharing a technology base that can be adapted to almost any product or genre. There are so many tactics and strategies involved that I could write several books about it.

We've got telemarketing, robocalling, email blasts, social media spamming, direct mail bombardment, affiliate management, membership sites, autoblogging, SMS marketing, cold webinar sales pitches... and the list goes on. But let's face it, they're all pretty lousy because relying solely on tactics is a waste of time.

Instead, I want to provide you with a framework for developing your own strategy, no matter what niche you're in.

When I'm not delving into tech stuff, I'll be discussing things like "How to plan a logistics plan" or other seemingly dull but crucial information. It may not sound thrilling, but trust me, it's often more important than it seems.

So, keep an eye out for those juicy titles and make sure to read the less exciting but equally valuable content too.

Here are the main languages and standards used in this project:
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • JSON
  • JavaScript
  • sed
  • awk
  • bash/zsh (shell scripting)
  • SFTP
  • TFTP
  • XSD
  • RDF
  • OWL
  • Java
  • Ruby
  • XML
  • Markdown
  • PHP
  • YAML
  • GraphQL
Wondering which programming language to start with? Check out my next post for more info.
For databases and tools:
  • Omni-DB for designing native forms
  • LevelDB for key-value storage
  • MongoDB for JSON data
  • KSQLDB for structured queries on Kafka streams
  • Neo4j for labeled property graphs
  • MariaDB for SQL
  • PostgreSQL for SQL
  • BaseX for XML
  • Jena (to be determined) for RDF
Version control and CI/CD:
  • Git
  • GitLab Community Edition
  • Jenkins (possibly, still deciding)
Machine learning tools:
  • MediaPipe
  • FeedPushr
  • 2UDA for Omni-DB (based on Orange)
Web servers:
  • Nginx
  • httpd
Main user-facing platform:
  • Container cluster manager: Kubernetes
  • Container runtime: Containerd
  • Container development: Docker/Portainer
  • Container networking: Traefik
Main user-facing services:
  • CMS: Drupal
  • CRM: CiviCRM
  • ERP: BlueSeer
  • Profile data platform: Unomi
  • Marketing automation: Mautic
Semantic tools:
  • Jena framework
  • Protege ontology editor
  • Open Semantic Search (using Elasticsearch)
Other tools:
  • Quick setup mail server: iRedMail
  • Remote config management: Ansible
  • SSG: Nikola
This list might seem scattered, but if it interests you, keep an eye out for more details.


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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Which programming language or toolset should you learn first?

I've never focused on mastering a specific programming language. Instead, I see programming as a skillset, and languages are just tools. It's like being a carpenter who uses different tools for different tasks—you don't become a "hammer specialist" before building a house.

Sometimes, I'll need to fix an unordered list in HTML, and other times, I'll need to whip up a complex script using sed, awk, or Perl from memory. It might seem strange if you're used to thinking in terms of fluency in a single language.

If you have four years to learn a specific coding language just to impress a boss, then my advice might not be for you.

Forget about focusing solely on a language. Instead, think about the problem you're trying to solve. The language you learned on a website like SoloLearn might not always be the right tool for the job.

Do you really have the time to dive deep into all that information to be considered an expert in each and every item listed?

Some people do, some don't, but they might have a team that does. Personally, I don't have that kind of expertise, and maybe you don't either. So, whether you're just starting out or you're a master in advanced technologies, if you can copy and paste, you can code.

Don't get hung up on learning a specific programming language. It's like learning French and then getting stranded off the coast of Brazil. Knowing French poetry won't help you there, but a little Portuguese could make all the difference.


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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This is the setup for my office PC workstation:
I. Workstation Hardware
  • 250GB SSD
  • 32 GB DDR4 RAM
  • AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
II. Workstation Base - Operating System and Desktop Software
  1. Install Debian 11 core with no additional features selected.
    • Output installation information will be displayed here.
  2. Install tasksel utils using "tasksel --new".
    • Output installation information will be displayed here.
  3. Install tasksel ssh using "tasksel --new".
    • Output installation information will be displayed here.
  4. Install core components of KDE Plasma Desktop.
    • Output installation information will be displayed here.
  5. Install additional configuration tools for KDE Plasma Desktop:
    • kde-config-systemd
    • kde-config-cron
  6. Install package management tools:
    • synaptic
    • gdebi
    • aptitude
  7. Install other essential software:
    • terminator (terminal emulator)
    • keepassxc (password manager)
    • tor, torsocks, tor-geoipdb, torbrowser-launcher (for secure browsing)
    • freeplane (mind mapping)
    • thunderbird, lightning (email and calendar)
    • p7zip-full, ark (archiving tools)
    • persepolis (download manager with GUI)
    • formiko (restructured text, markdown, and text editor/previewer)
    • libreoffice, mariadb, SQL connector for libreoffice (office suite and linked structured storage)
  8. Remove unnecessary software:
    • kdeconnect* (Android connectivity)
    • kaccounts* (online account and desktop integration)
    • khelpcenter (help center)
    • kwalletmanager (password manager)
    • konsole*.termit* (terminal and telnet)
    • kwrite (word processor)
    • kate (text editor)
    • konqueror* (file and web browser)
    • Anything related to Nextcloud or Owncloud
    • plasma-discover* (package manager; be careful not to remove Discover, the hardware discovery tool)
    • Output removal information will be displayed here.

Here are the commands to run in the Bash terminal for various outputs:

  1. Update package lists:
    sqlCopy code
    sudo apt update
  2. Remove unnecessary packages:
    Copy code
    sudo apt autopurge -y
  3. Clean up unused package files:
    Copy code
    sudo apt clean
  4. Upgrade installed packages:
    Copy code
    sudo apt upgrade
  5. List available commands for root user:
    bashCopy code
    sudo compgen -c | sort | uniq > out.txt
  6. List available commands for non-root user:
    bashCopy code
    compgen -c | sort | uniq > out.txt
  7. List installed programs:
    csharpCopy code
    sudo apt list --installed > out.txt
These commands will help you set up a minimal core Debian system with standard utilities, an SSH server, and a minimal KDE desktop. It also includes some additional personal preferences to make the system more user-friendly.

Exporting data between installation steps will provide snapshots for easy reference, making it easier to manage your system.

Now you have a basic system template. As you add more software, keep in mind that small, documented steps are easier to manage.

As for the Public facing Infrastructure, I've purchased some SSD VPServers with the following specs:

  • 4 servers
  • 48GB RAM each
  • 960GB NVMe storage each
  • 12 vCPUs each (with unknown RealCPU % allocation)
  • 24TB transfer limit
I got them for a year at a cost of around $600.
Here's the setup:


  • 1 server on the East Coast
  • 1 server in the Upper Midwest
  • 1 server in the Lower Midwest
  • 1 server on the West Coast
I'm targeting the entire USA market, so I covered all the time zones across the country without expanding worldwide. These servers will serve as our Leader and 3 Contributing Nodes for our Kubernetes Cluster. I installed the default Ubuntu 20.04 on each server.

I also registered a few domains from GoDaddy to cover my brand across various extensions like .com, .net, .org, .info, and one alternative TLD that matched my name. It costs about a hundred bucks per year, not including any discounts I might have gotten on first-year registration offers.

I also pay for 10 development burn proxies every month, which covers me without having to rely on Starbucks or other public Wi-Fi spots.

Anyone think I did a good job? LOL.

Okay, then...

Now that we have our workstation set up, it's time to get down to business. One question I often hear is: "How do I do keyword research?" Many times, this question leads to a search for SEO tools, but I think this approach can sometimes distract from the real research goals. So, let me share a different method that might work for you.

I like to break down my keyword project needs into a few categories:

  1. Entity: These are things like fields on a webpage or empty spaces in your CRM.
  2. String: This refers to the text representation of values related to Entities.
  3. Vocabulary: It's like a list or a topic header with related strings.
  4. Taxonomy: This involves grouping lists and single strings that fit within a specific domain of information.
  5. Ontology: This is like the overarching framework of semantics used to define, describe, and classify your domain.
Before diving into specific tools or features, I start by gathering standard research data related to business planning. I then decide on a marketing trend to pursue.

Grab a pen and paper and start explaining your business domain as you conduct online research. Don't worry about writing full articles with text and images—just focus on jotting down single entities, strings, lists, and groups. Skip the massive downloads and whitepaper sign-ups for now. Just search, click, search some more, jot down notes, take breaks, and repeat. Eventually, you'll need to organize and rearrange the information to make sense of it all.

Once you've collected enough data, organize it into a business entity template mind map using FreePlane. I have a template I use for this purpose, and I'll share it with you in the next update after removing some project-specific data.

To seasoned researchers, this might seem like old news, but for those feeling lost, I hope this points you in the right direction. Will you feel like you've hit a wall, or will you trust the process and find success? Stay tuned for the next update...whatever that may be. I need a cigarette. Be back soon.


Well-known member

Reputation: 36%
Apr 15, 2016
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Cool GOAL!



Reputation: 14%
May 7, 2018
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Wow, what an awesome GOAL! I'll follow along.


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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Here's a basic outline of my template, with only a few sections filled in. Usually, the final map has around 100 full tree views, and this is just one branch with about 20 views. It can get pretty messy before I organize it into a logical flow. That's just how the process goes!


When talking about small maps, I'd like to suggest another helpful tool for keeping track of the connections between the apps you install on your systems. You can create two-tier dependency graphs for your notes. Include an executable shell script with this in the workflow of the gist. https://gist.github.com/damphat/6214499

while IFS= read -r line; do ./apt-rdepends-tree $line > $line.txt done < input.txt
Direct your lists of installations into a folder of dependency graphs...
Need to delete duplicates from each folder of snapshots? Give this AWKful script a try.

#! /bin/bash #I have taken example of 2 directories dir1 and dir2 #First i will save the output of p1 and p2 directories filenames to 2 output files find /my/Documents/apt-dependency-tree/kde-min-install -type f |awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' > /var/tmp/dir1.txt && find /my/Documents/apt-dependency-tree/deb-min-install -type f |awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' > /var/tmp/dir2.txt && #Now i will find the common filenames in both directories and delete in one of directories. #I wish you delete the duplicate files in /rootdir/dir1 and keep the files in /rootdir/dir2 awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1];next}($1 in a) {print $1}' /var/tmp/dir1.txt /var/tmp/dir2.txt |awk '{print "rm -rvf" " " "/my/Documents/apt-dependency-tree/kde-min-install"$1}' | sh
It might seem like a small detour, but believe me, having a folder full of dependency graph visuals and a cup of coffee can really simplify our future planning for container work.


Well-known member

Reputation: 29%
Feb 20, 2023
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This has a lot of specifics and useful information.


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
May 3, 2018
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Hey, newbies! Yeah, I'm talking to you, I see your post count. You need to know this.

This method isn't just any ordinary trick because it's not worn out.

There's a top-notch strategy that every solid member here at MMO relies on:

It can help you discover more hidden, unindexed content than owning a time machine that can travel back in time. Generate more leads for quick cash than anyone could afford from DialAmerica. Transform you into a fearless recruiter with more reliable influencer leads than LinkedIn.

But hold on, that's not all...

Wouldn't you love to have instant access to more legitimate opportunities to refurbish or resell than you could find in 10,000 BulQ cargo containers of Amazon returns labeled "excellent"?

If this sounds like the kind of firepower you need, want, and can handle ethically, keep reading...

In today's world of overflowing data, even the biggest marketing agencies have to sift through tons of false, repetitive, and useless information. We're burdened with meta-attached data that we carry throughout our networks without even getting a simple acknowledgment.

And it gets worse...

Trying to find information that hasn't been shoved directly down our throats without scrutiny is a real challenge.

Starting off aiming to make $10 a day, then scaling up to $100 a day, against such odds must feel overwhelming...

Wait, maybe I shouldn't say more. Sorry, forget it. I'm not sure if I should share this here. I might be giving away too much information, second-guessing...

I'm not really that hesitant. LOL, I just needed a break and a quick edit before the time limit expires. I'll share in a minute.

Any guesses?

I'll wait for some guesses. Think black and white and red all over... What do you think fits the description in your toolkit?

While we're waiting for some super tool assumptions, I'll be testing if I can get banned for abusive usage with a little command magic, and see if my provider plans on throttling me now... and probably when it matters most.

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