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TextBoss.com - Lazy? Bad writer? Hire us to do the heavy lifting! Fast turnaround!



Reputation: 12%
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Email: info [at] textboss [dot] com
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Here at TextBoss, we can provide all the content and copy that your business needs to thrive online.

We have been in the business for over five years now, and during that time we have established ourselves as one of the leading providers of top-quality writing services. With a team comprised of highly qualified writers, professional journalists, published authors, and experts in multiple fields; we have articles published on many of the biggest blogs on the web.

We write blog posts that can compete with the very best content on the web, but that’s not all. We also handle website copy, advertising, press releases, sales pages, email marketing campaigns, fiction, CVs, white papers, eBooks, fliers, product descriptions, video scripts, and any other type of content you can imagine. We’ll even provide design and other marketing services to go with it! If you’re unsure, then just get in touch.

Our simple commitment is to the very most professional content at an affordable price. We believe strongly in bringing the best copy to everyone – to improve the quality of information on the web, and to give smaller brands a voice.

Find out why many of the biggest sites on the web choose TextBoss.

There’s no minimum order, so what have you got to lose?

Rapid Turn Around

We provide incredible quick turn around times. In many cases we’ll get your order to you within 48 hours. If it’s going to take longer, then we’ll let you know. And if you have a tight deadline then we will work hard to accommodate that. But you can rest assured that we’re the fastest in the business.


The quality of the content on your website is hugely important to the success of your business. Visitors will quickly form impressions on the basis of your writing and this is what will determine whether they return to your site, and whether they feel confident in buying from you. You can’t afford to cut corners, which is why you should choose a provider you can rely on.

All of our content is written to the highest possible standard. It is entertaining, original, informative, appropriate to the tone and niche of your site, and thoroughly researched.


We don’t just deliver an excellent product – we also provide the best possible service. We are highly communicative throughout the entire process, ensuring that we know precisely what your requirements are, and updating you about our progress along the way. We’ll never leave you in the dark, and you’ll be able to reach us 24/7.


Ultimately, our job is to make your life easier. If you have a large amount of content you need for your site, then you might find that you’re currently spending your entire time sourcing or developing it. Instead, why not let us handle that work for you so that you can focus on running your business?

That’s why we’ve made ordering as simple as possible. It’s a two-step process – just fill out the form and then wait for your work to arrive in your inbox! (If we have any questions, we’ll be in touch.)

Our Services


We offer top quality article writing, providing entertaining, engaging, informative, and in-depth articles for your website or blog. All our articles are heavily researched for accuracy, and are written to a standard that can go toe-to-toe with the very best in your niche.

The internet is built on content – content is what users search for on Google, and it is what keeps them on a website. Smart site owners recognize this and invest heavily in top-quality written articles and posts. Whether you’re looking for an SEO article with smart use of keywords, a pillar article that will link out to other content on your site, or a in-depth blog post, we have you covered.

Blog Posts

Perhaps the most popular service we offer is our blog post service. These days, the majority of content we enjoy online is in blog format. This is very similar to an article, but will often have a slightly more colloquial tone and a more serial nature.

We can handle any kind of blog post you’re looking for. We write personal blogs with humorous short posts, but we also write business posts that keep users up-to-date with a company’s operations. We’ve written informative blog posts, and we’ve posts that are designed to be ‘fluffy’ and sharable across social media. Chances are that you’ve read a few of our posts while browsing the net; we’ve contributed to some of the largest brands around.

But maybe you’re not looking to publish your posts yourself? Maybe you’re looking for a guest post that you can trade for links? In that case we’ll make sure that you get a pristine post that any publisher would be eager to get their hands on, and that meets the criteria and matches the tone set out by your target site.

Case Studies

A case study can serve a range of different purposes as a piece of marketing material, or as an internal document. You can use case studies to outline the successes and failures of business projects to learn from in future, or to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your products and services. Often a case study will take the form of an interview with a customer that helps to demonstrate to future buyers just what you can do for them.

Whether you’re looking for a highly objective report that you can use for market research and future decision making, or whether you are looking for a persuasive story that will convert highly, we can help. Our case studies are succinct, focused, and highly impactful in their conclusions and analyses.

Content Writing

Content writing is a broad term that refers to the whole gamut of content types we provide. Content includes blog posts and articles, but it can also refer to social media content, to app content, to listicles, to infographics.

In short, if you publish it in any way and if it involves words, then we are up to task. And while the platform and target audience may vary, what remains constant is our commitment to quality, and our understanding of what makes a piece of writing engaging. We make an effort to understand your goals and your audience, to ensure that the content you receive is perfectly tailored to your needs and guaranteed to perform well.


Copywriting is essentially ‘business writing’. We provide copywriting for website homepages, for advertising campaigns, for flyers, and for any other materials that you might use internally or to promote your organization.

Good copywriting is absolutely fundamental to the success of any business online. Too often we encounter company websites that absolutely fail to demonstrate how that organization offers value, or that damages any hope of trust and authority through poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The worst? Companies that spend 500 words throwing around terms like ‘leadership’ and ‘cloud enabled’ without ever explaining what they actually do! Your leads simply don’t have time to try and decipher what service you are offering.

When someone lands on your website or receives a marketing message from you, this is your chance to impress them with professional, engaging copy that highlights what you do and what sets you apart. If you get this right, it can drive your conversions and revenue through the roof.

Creative Writing

We don’t only write dry copy and reports! Every now and then, the writers at TextBoss relish the opportunity to flex their creative muscles. We can write short stories, poems, novels, film scripts, and more. We write in any genre, in any tone, and we can follow a spec or story outline or create something completely original from scratch. Likewise, we can handle character biographies, dialog trees, fan fiction, or even ‘in-world’ flavor texts.

You’d be amazed at the kinds of stories we’ve penned for clients, ranging from gothic horror to romantic epic poems. And there are countless readers that we get these orders: sometimes clients are looking for scripts for computer games or short films that they’re putting together, sometimes orders are to help with assignments and course work. Sometimes buyers are just looking for a good story!

Oh, and don’t underestimate the value of creative writing when it comes to building website traffic. People love a good cliffhanger!

Developmental and Copy Editing

While we are able to write exactly to specification and our services always leave the client absolutely satisfied with the work they receive, we do recognize that sometimes you will want to retain full control and write the copy yourself.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t still benefit from the TextBoss seal of quality! If you’ve written copy for a website, a blog post, an eBook, or anything else, then we can help you get it up to scratch. We’ll check your text and help to iron out any inconsistencies or repetition you may have missed, as well as suggesting changes to structure and tone. Not only that, but we can also help to develop and grow a basic outline into something more complete, engaging, and fit for purpose. Just send us the original, let us know what you’re looking for, and then we’ll do the rest!


An e-Newsletter is a form of email correspondence that can help to build an audience, provide information about your services and products, and simultaneously increase offer value. These are marketing emails but in the form of well-written content, often beautifully presented.

Countless marketing gurus espouse the benefits of email marketing – often claiming that it is the single most important form of marketing. The only problem? Getting someone to sign up and give away their contact details! Even once you get past that hurdle, how do you then ensure that they will open your messages?

One answer is to give away an ‘incentive’ – a free ebook or report that they get in return for sharing their details. The problem with this strategy though is that you will get a lot of people signing up who are only on the lookout for freebies and aren’t targeted readers who will open subsequent messages.

Better then, is to turn the email messages themselves into the incentives, by packing them full of value. That’s the function of an e-newsletter, and with TextBoss, you can be sure that your list will count down the days until they get your next correspondence!


TextBoss can help you populate your website, create your marketing materials, and generally help you communicate with your audience. But many clients use our services for more than that – even allowing us to create the very products that they sell from their site.

That’s where our ebook services come in. We can write entire books on any subject that you require, in order to provide you with an immensely valuable product that you can sell, use as part of an affiliate program, or give away in exchange for contact details and other rewards.

Our eBooks are of an immensely high standard, ensuring that you will be proud to offer them to your readers, and that your buyers will be more than satisfied with the value they receive. We have published authors on our books who know precisely how to structure such a book and fill it with information and ideas relevant to your audience.


With email marketing being widely heralded as one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, it is crucial that you have the means to create eye-catching, engaging, and informative emails that your list will race to open when they land in their inboxes.

We create autoresponder sequences as part of sales funnels, we create marketing messages, we write solo ads, and in general we offer any kind of email marketing that you might need. That includes personal or direct professional messages when you really need to make the right impression!


Our service is a white-label service, meaning that you don’t need to credit us for any of our work – unless you want to!

That means that you can sell our writing on to other clients and make a profit on it as service arbitrage, or you can hire us to ghostwrite your memoires/autobiography and no-one need be any the wiser. Of course, this applies to blog posts and if you need us to write ‘as you’, then just let us know.

Landing Pages

We write landing pages, squeeze pages, sales pages and more with the aim of generating conversions and help persuade your audience.

At TextBoss, we are all great writers. But more than that, we are writers that understand business, digital marketing, and persuasion. That is to say that we can write killer sales copy that will highlight the value proposition of your product or service and that will get your visitors racing to click ‘buy’.

A good landing page needs to grab and hold the readers’ attention. It can do this by using stories (storytelling is ‘SEO for the human brain’), rhetorical questions, bold statements, and other strategies. You should employ headers and break up text to make skim reading possible. And you should create a sense of urgency and anxiety that encourages a snap decision.

We use these techniques and many more to help clients increase their sales severalfold. This is one type of content that will immediately pay for itself several times over. Don’t fall at this final hurdle!

News Articles

Breaking news is very valuable on the web with Google giving priority to these types of stories in its news carousel. There’s no evergreen value in many cases, but by discussing topical and trending news items, you can gain massive amounts of exposure to build a recurring readership.

We can write news articles based on press releases, case studies, and reports that you provide, or we can seek out the stories and developments in your niche for you. We can even identify the unique angles to cover that other media may have missed. We will then structure this prose in accordance with the AP Style Guide and the industry standard ‘reverse pyramid structure’. The bottom line? It reads in a professional manner as the audience has come to expect, covering all the important details while also being engaging and entertaining.

Press Releases

A press release is a statement released to the press that informs journalists and media outlets of your news. This can announce a new product, it can tell a story about your business, or it can highlight a recent rebranding or change in direction/focus.

There is a set format and structure for any press release which we observe acutely. At the same time though, a press release needs to understand the relationship between the company and the media. Journalists and reporters have no interest in giving you free coverage – they want to cover stories that are interesting and relevant to their audience.

As journalists ourselves, we know precisely how to write a press release so that it will be picked up by the maximum number of outlets. Let us take care of it and you can gain a huge amount of exposure.


Our proofreading service checks for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, typos, and more. Often, we combine proofreading with copy editing in order to make your text the very best that it can be. But if you are happy with the tone and structure of your piece and simply want to fix any technical errors, then our proofreading service is the one you need.


Reports are often condensed alternatives to eBooks that aim to provide useful information in a shorter and more condensed format. Reports lend themselves well to being given away as freebies and incentives, where giving away entire eBooks can sometimes undermine their value (and often free eBooks don’t get written). Reports are perfect for sales funnels and other purposes, and by using a writing service like TextBoss that understands the value your brand offers, you can help to build more trust and encourage more sales of your big ticket items.

Review Articles

Review articles are highly popular among clients as a method for encouraging affiliate sales. A review article will cover all the basic details of a product, highlighting key features, explaining who it is for, and listing the pros and cons.

If you’re trying to sell a product on Amazon or anywhere else, then we can write a ‘positive review’ that will encourage readers to buy, while maintaining the impression of being objective and dispassionate. We can do this without needing to test the actual product and will perform diligent research to ensure that all facts are accurate.

That said, we also write objective reviews for other purposes and are more than happy to provide more in-depth analysis if you are able to provide the item for review.


Sometimes you know exactly what you want to say, you just need someone to say it for you! If you’ve found a piece of content on the web and find yourself wishing you had something like it for your website or blog, then that’s where our rewriting service comes in. Just point us in its direction, let us know of any specific requirements you have, and we’ll get to work creating a fresh and completely unique version for you to use.

We can also rewrite old content or your site, or any other type of copy you provide us with. All rewrites will be 100% unique and Copyscape tested, so you can rest assured that you won’t run into copywrite issues, or problems with Google.

Sales Letters

Sales letters act like sales pages that seek out the leads, rather than the other way around. We will create messages that you can send out to your leads in order to generate sales, each of which will be written to maximize conversions and profits.

A good sales letter needs to grab attention to ensure it gets opened, then quickly and efficiently highlight the deal and why the reader should be interested. We understand your target audience and your value proposition and bridge the gap to ensure that clicking ‘buy’ is a no-brainer.


Video marketing is an incredibly form of marketing and one that is sorely underutilized by many online brands.

The power of video marketing is to grab attention and engage the audience in a way that written copy sometimes fails to. When you speak in person, you have the ability to really emote, emphasize, and make your point. It’s much easier for visitors to sit and listen to a pitch rather than to active read it, meaning too, massively reducing your bounce rates.

TextBoss writes highly effective sales scripts that convert highlight and keep listeners hooked right up until the end. But we can also write a range of other scripts too, whether that means explainer videos for businesses, tutorials and informative scripts for YouTube videos, or anything else.

SEO Articles

SEO articles are articles written primarily for SEO purposes. That means they need to be optimized for search engines, such that the relevant search terms will bring them up in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Many of you will know what this means: it means smart use of keywords, it means proper formatting, and it means readable text.

The key to great SEO content though is to write simultaneously for Google’s robots and the reader. You need to use keywords and latent semantic indexing in a way that isn’t distracting to the reader. You need to provide value, while at the same time structuring your content in a way that Google understands. Our SEO content walks this line and is a hit with robots and human readers alike. It’s future-proof, and over time it can massively increase your readership.

Social Media Posts

Social Media is a powerful resource for online business. Not only do platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give you the ability to reach large audiences directly, but they also encourage sharing, communication, and engagement. This way you can sell your value proposition, build trust, and expand your influence.

TextBoss can handle content for all kinds of social media. We write posts for Facebook that will encourage engagement, comments, likes, and shares. We write witty, useful, and well-tagged Twitter posts that can keep your social media active for months to come. And we can write descriptions for Instagram posts and YouTube videos that will increase discoverability and turn likes into follows. Beyond that though, we can also help you on Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and social sharing sites.

The key to good social media is to ‘be everywhere’ and ‘post often’. We know you’re busy, so why not let TextBoss handle the heavy lifting for you?

Website Content

When someone lands on your website, you have seconds to impress them before they leave. Unfortunately, very few businesses and blogs manage to capitalize on those few seconds successfully – ultimately resulting in thousands of dollars being left on the table.

Good website content is clear, concise, to-the-point, and persuasive. To make sure that you are communicating clearly with your visitors and encouraging them to take the next action, don’t settle for anything less than the very best.

White Papers

A white paper is a document that will inform and educate a readership on a given topic. This combines expert information with actionable instructions, ‘insider’ knowledge, and useful recommendations. White papers can be used as a form of incentive for encouraging sign-ups, they can be used to pre-sell a product, or they can be used to explain the purpose of a business or service.

Whatever your requirement, let TextBoss handle your white paper writing and you can be sure that it will impress, while conveying all the key points you need to communicate.

And the Rest

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We even offer design and coding services!

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Head on over to our site and you’ll find a full comprehensive list of all the different services we provide. And if you’re still unsure then just get in touch and we’ll let you know. We’re confident that we can rise to the challenge.


How do I order?

Jut click the button down below, fill out the order form, and then wait for our email. You’ll receive your order within 2 working days (unless it’s particularly large/we inform you otherwise).

I don’t know what type of content I need!

What if I don’t like the copy?

If you’re unhappy with the work then let us know and we will usually be able to provide a free revision or full refund (within reason).

Do you have any testimonials/reviews I can read?

We have served hundreds of extremely happy customers! Just check out some of our rave reviews below.

What subjects do you tackle?

We have experts in a wide range of fields. Topics we regularly cover include: fitness, health, psychology, dating, lifestyle, happiness, beauty, business, internet marketing, pets, gardening, going green, finance, programming, trading, cooking, interior design, news, gaming, music, DIY, travel, film, humour, fiction, and technology. That said, we’ve handled just about every topic under the sun and if there’s ever a subject that we’re not intimately familiar with, our writers will do the necessary research.

Is your copy proofed?

All our writing is proofed and checked for errors. Occasionally the odd typo does slip through, but you will find this is incredibly rare and in-line with top publishers.

What format will my work be in?

We usually deliver work in .doc format, but if you have special requests let us know and we can accommodate them.

I don’t know what service I need!
Don’t worry – if you’re unsure what the best type of content is to meet your goals, then you can rely on our consulting service to help you out. We offer free advice with no obligation to buy.

What payment methods do you accept?

PayPal is the preferred method of payment.

About the Owner

Taylor Stewart G is an entrepreneur from Dallas, Texas. Taylor began working as a freelance writer after graduating from the University of Texas at Dallas with a full degree in English. After experiencing huge success with a wide range of clients, he decided to expand operations and take on more writers - founding TextBoss. TextBoss has enjoyed great success over the last 4 years, growing in scope and reputation, and serving countless satisfied clients. We have over 400 positive testimonials to show for it in fact, here are just a few:


“I received my order, in less than 24 hours they wrote 6k+ words of quality content which you can use on website without any problem!

“I received my 2,000 word article and it was as I hoped for and probably the best copy I have purchased from a MMO seller.”

“I've gotta say, I'm absolutely blown away.”

“Taylor's writing service saved me about 4 weeks of work”

“Great flow AND humorous.”

“Grammar, syntax, and spelling were all excellent - no editing needed at all.”

“Visitors are actually reading the content. Taylor really does offer an excellent service...”

“This copy is EXACTLY what I wanted/needed. You saved my you-know-what! Now I can finish my 80+ page brand-new site... and relax knowing I have "the source" for excellent copy (when ever I need it).”

“2 thumbs up!”

“I was totally blown away by the article.”

“I have tried other services but the quality was not as good as the one from Taylor.”

"I've been using Taylor on and off for about 6-8 months now and he always delivers quick and with excellent quality."

"I consider myself a decent writer and I have a post-graduate degree and only hire writers because I lack the time to write articles myself. But I must confess, the articles Taylor writes are at least one or two levels above my writing level."

"HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all those who focus on high quality writing..."

"Solid writing for sure! Delivered within hours of ordering the article. Great service! Highly recommended!"

"As a brand new customer, I just received my first 1000 word article from Taylor and am extremely happy with the quality of work."

"Excellent results! Well researched and written, as well as a super quick turnaround. Happy customer here."

“Now, I will only stick to Taylor.”

“The article that I received was exactly what I wanted”

“Flawless english and very well written.”

“Very fast TAT and high quality content.”

“Epic content in lightning speed.”

“Your content is bad ass.”

“He writes very well and the flow of the content is excellent! Quality is top notch.”

“Highly recommended! A++”

“Wicked fast turn around time, great content and copywriting, amazing work all around.”

“Taylor is a genius. He gets things done quick and with great precision. I highly recommend his services.”

“Always delivers quick and with excellent quality.”

“Super fast turnaround. Great prices.”

“I have never seen such efficient service ever.”

“The review was well researched and touched on all the major points I wanted him to.”

“Taylor delivered outstanding content within a short period of time.”

“Contact Taylor as he is the best!”

“No grammatical errors and passed Copyscape & Plagiarism checker 100%”

“Amazing service will be coming back for more!”

“Very, very impressed.”

“Instantly replies to question via email no matter what the time.”

“Well researched and written, as well as a super quick turnaround.”

“The delivery was quick... seriously quick.”

“Amazing work all around.”

“Content, style and grammar are really great.”

“Love the content man! Thanks for everything!”

“I am very satisfied with my experience and would recommend Taylor”

“I HAVE to use his service again, it's that good.”

“For the time, service and writing ability I highly rate him and will use him again!”

“Content you will be proud to put on your site and share.”

“He obviously did his research and has a great writing style!”

“I will be using Taylor whenever I need outsourcing from now onward.”

“They actually read and executed my special requirements!”

“Most high end writers charge a little more then he does.”

“He could easily be charging more for this service.”

“The content is really good! Like a real story!”

“Excellent writer! Love the quality of the articles.”

“A top notch business attitude”

“Promptly delivered, well structured and written in an engaging tone.”

“I have tried numerous writers over the years and this is the best quality I have ever received.”

“This is definitely a service I can see myself using again and again.”

“The quality is AMAZING.”

“Now I just have to add in some pictures and hit on the publish button.”

“He was so responsive and friendly throughout the entire process.”

“Have never once had any problems with him.”

“I am picky about who I use, and Taylor came through.”

“Very in-depth and didn't just scratch the surface.”

“Taylor did a great job on my articles!”

“I couldn't be happier! He is now my go-to guy for having content written.”

“The Quality Is Excellent and the price is very reasonable.”

“Taylor’s articles are one of a kind.”

“I finally found someone for my tech blog.”

“TG has my highest recommendation.”

“Really a reliable person with quality and professionalism.”

“Completely impressed. Going to put in another order right now.”

“Would I buy again? Well I am just preparing to place another order, so yeah ;-)”



Well-known member

Reputation: 76%
Jul 28, 2022
Reaction score
OP has given approval. The article is excellent, demonstrating native content and appearing to be crafted by a seasoned professional.


Well-known member

Reputation: 28%
Jun 10, 2018
Reaction score
A lengthy BST! :eek: :( I wonder if anyone will read it all :D Nevertheless, best of luck, OP!


Well-known member

Reputation: 22%
May 13, 2019
Reaction score
Great, extensive thread design! Best of luck with your new service. Do you offer any review copies?


Well-known member

Reputation: 31%
May 15, 2020
Reaction score
Best of luck to you in this endeavor!


Well-known member

Reputation: 28%
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Wishing you success in your venture!


Well-known member

Reputation: 32%
Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
Testing out Taylor's service, and the communication has been outstanding thus far. Within a day, he delivered the content, totaling 5,000 words. The quality of the content was impressive.

The assigned writer went the extra mile in researching the topic. However, given my meticulous nature, I requested a revision, and Taylor willingly accommodated the request.


Well-known member

Reputation: 28%
Oct 10, 2020
Reaction score
Hello there, OP! I've reviewed your thread on the Warrior Forum, and it looks impressive. Best of luck with your sales!


Well-known member

Reputation: 28%
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score

I received a review copy of 500 words from TextBoss. As someone with a content writing BST, I must say this article is excellent. It was a product review, and it turned out exceptionally well. I made only a few word changes, and that's all. The turnaround time was really quick, mainly because the new service doesn't have many orders yet. The product review was both interesting and entertaining to read. It's exactly what you would expect from someone with an English degree.


Active member

Reputation: 23%
Dec 12, 2019
Reaction score
Do you still have a review copy available? If not, could you please send me a sample related to outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, swimming, etc.? I'm seeking a high-quality, lengthy article on these topics.



Reputation: 12%
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score

I received a review copy of 500 words from TextBoss. As someone with a content writing BST, I must say this article is excellent. It was a product review, and it turned out exceptionally well. I made only a few word changes, and that's all. The turnaround time was really quick, mainly because the new service doesn't have many orders yet. The product review was both interesting and entertaining to read. It's exactly what you would expect from someone with an English degree.
Appreciate the fantastic review, Agmediho


Active member

Reputation: 16%
Jul 19, 2016
Reaction score
I've just sent the payment; looking forward to seeing the results! ;)


Well-known member

Reputation: 35%
Jun 16, 2015
Reaction score
Thank you very much. Incredibly swift delivery, and the text is highly professional. A perfect 10/10.


Well-known member

Reputation: 29%
Dec 25, 2022
Reaction score

The sales page is effective, though quite extensive :)

I've reviewed your samples on the webpage, and I'm interested in Amazon review content for my site. However, the sample length exceeds 1000 words. I'm considering having review content in the range of 300 to 500 words. Could you advise if this would be sufficient, or should I opt for reviews exceeding 1000 words?


Active member

Reputation: 16%
Dec 8, 2021
Reaction score
May I please see some samples? Thank you.


Well-known member

Reputation: 35%
Mar 18, 2017
Reaction score
Placed an order for 500 words:

Transaction ID: 277xxxx686xx4653.


Active member

Reputation: 16%
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
Order fulfilled swiftly, and the content is excellent. I tasked him with crafting homepage copy for a challenging niche, and I highly recommend his services.


Well-known member

Reputation: 27%
Dec 10, 2022
Reaction score
Can you also conduct research and locate relevant images/videos for the article? They don't necessarily need to be royalty-free.
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