Try out a free trial of a paid account! If you don’t have one, simply create a new profile, verify it, and enjoy the trial.
With the free trial, you can post 1 job listing and get 1 free boost (boosts usually cost around $25 to $90). Create a job post with a full description and all the details to make it look like a real listing, even if you don't plan to hire anyone.
People will see your job post and apply, but LinkedIn will ask them to follow your page before submitting their application. Most users won’t remove the follow request, so they’ll become followers of your page.
Here’s a tip: if your post is too simple or too complicated, you might not get many applicants or followers. Check out popular job postings and follow a similar approach.
Business pages with lots of followers attract more opportunities and networking, so this is a great way to quickly grow your professional page.
Good luck!