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Facebook My method how to manually make unlimited facebook ad accounts


Well-known member

Reputation: 39%
Jul 15, 2015
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I have developed a remarkable strategy that allowed me to manage over 30 Facebook profiles equipped with business managers and ad accounts, and it's truly mind-blowing!

If you have been involved in advertising on Facebook for some time, you may have encountered issues with account and profile disablement. Even if you are new to the platform and planning to launch your initial ads, chances are high that you will face these problems sooner or later.

Facebook has significantly tightened its policies compared to the earlier days when it was easier to create two business managers with 50 ad accounts swiftly. Nowadays, Facebook is disabling accounts frequently, even if you meticulously adhere to their guidelines. They can potentially shut down your account without any prior warning, leaving you stranded.

While your ad account may remain functional for a few days or even months, its eventual disablement is almost certain. The key question is not "how" but "when" it will happen. In such circumstances, the best approach is to have backup accounts at your disposal.

I have personally experienced numerous setbacks with Facebook, having had a considerable number of my business managers, profiles, and ad accounts disabled.


Once I experienced the impact of Facebook's strict actions for the first time (with my profile being restricted from advertising), I resorted to opening a new business manager using my wife's profile. However, after a few weeks, that account faced similar restrictions. In a desperate attempt, I turned to my parents' Facebook accounts, but to my dismay, the same outcome followed suit.

I tried various methods to bypass Facebook's scrutiny, such as using proxies and using software like TeamViewer to manage the accounts from different computers. I went to extreme lengths, even purchasing two additional computers and changing credit cards, but Facebook always managed to track me down. It felt as though they were omnipresent, constantly monitoring my every move and predicting my next step.


Luckily, there exists a solution known as Multi fingerprints creator software that can help overcome these challenges.

Several online tools enable the creation of multiple browser profiles with unique settings, mimicking different devices to fool Facebook. This approach makes it appear as if you are logging in from distinct devices.

Based on my personal experience, the most effective tool available is Multilogin, which is a software you can install on your computer. It provides the capability to generate various browser profiles, each with its own distinct fingerprint. For instance, you can create a browser profile with a screen resolution of 1360x768 pixels, running Windows 7 as the operating system, set to the central time zone, and configured for Spanish language. Additionally, within the same software, you can create another profile with a screen resolution of 1600x1200 pixels, Windows 10, set to the Eastern Standard Time zone, and configured for English language.

By using this software, we can effectively conceal our fingerprints from Facebook, thus resolving the initial problem.

Now, let's address the issue of avoiding detection from our IP address. I have successfully employed two options:

  1. Utilizing a 4G connection hotspot.
  2. Using a proxy.
Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, which I will elaborate on in detail.

When it comes to a 4G hotspot...


Many people nowadays access the internet on their phones not only through their Wi-Fi connections but also via the 4G connection provided by their mobile service providers. With this type of connection, your phone or any device receives a different IP address each time you power it on and off.

You might wonder why logging in to Facebook with a different IP address every time you restart your phone does not raise any red flags. The reason is that Facebook can recognize the connection as being through 4G. Therefore, you can freely power your phone on and off multiple times, logging in with different IP addresses, and Facebook will not consider it suspicious. A 4G connection is considered highly secure in this regard.

You can either use your smartphone as a hotspot or purchase a dedicated hotspot device. A hotspot device is similar to a modem, but it allows you to insert your SIM card and obtain a wireless 4G connection.

To ensure uninterrupted usage, you will need a phone plan that includes unlimited data, enabling you to run ads without worrying about data consumption.

How does it function?

By connecting to the 4G hotspot internet and logging into the Multilogin app, Facebook will perceive your connection as originating from a different computer with a distinct IP address. Thus, the two methods Facebook employs to track your activities remain concealed. Boom! In the eyes of Facebook, you have transformed into an entirely different user!


One downside is that you will need to toggle the hotspot on and off each time you wish to log in to a new profile. If your intention is to establish a substantial list of backup accounts, you could end up spending hours every day merely switching between accounts.

Moreover, in certain countries, acquiring a mobile plan with unlimited data can be quite challenging, posing another potential issue. It is crucial to ensure that your plan assigns a different IP address each time it is reset since some plans come with a fixed IP address. It would be wise to ask about this matter with your service provider.

  1. Proxy
Using a proxy is another option to consider.

For people seeking to have multiple backup accounts, run numerous ads across different accounts, and pursue highly aggressive scaling, this option is ideal.

There are various types of proxies available, but only 4G proxies and residential proxies are effective for Facebook. Free proxies, data center proxies, and dedicated proxies should be avoided as they are easily detected by Facebook.

You specifically require 4G or residential proxies, and while purchasing them personly can be costly, there is a service called Luminati that I use. With Luminati, you pay for a monthly plan and gain access to as many residential proxies as you need. The pricing is based on the data you use, rather than the number of proxies employed.

You have the flexibility to select a residential proxy from your own country or even your own city. From this proxy, you can create numerous other proxies with different IP addresses, enabling you to work on multiple profiles simultaneously.

This setup is particularly advantageous for travelers since you can log in to your Facebook account from anywhere in the world, and Facebook will perceive it as originating from the same location. This reduces the risk of account disablement.

To summarize, the most effective setup that has geted excellent results for me, and the one I am currently using, involves combining Multilogin with Luminati.


I highly recommend using a credit or debit card issued in the same country as the ad account. This practice can significantly reduce the likelihood of getting banned, although it is not mandatory, it is strongly advised.

In most cases, the accounts I manage have credit cards from the same country as the ad account. However, I also have a few instances where I use a credit card from a different country than the ad account. So, if you don't have any other viable option, you can proceed with using a credit card from a different country.

There are numerous companies worldwide that offer multiple credit or debit cards for business or personal use. For instance, in the United States, if you have a good history with American Express, you can request up to 99 cards.

Personally, I rely on a company in my country that provides my business with as many debit cards as needed, and I have the flexibility to assign any name to those cards.


I suggest using the same name on the card as the name associated with the Facebook profile. This practice can facilitate the process of recovering your account if it gets disabled due to payment-related issues. While it reduces the risk, it is not mandatory but can be beneficial.

For each business manager, I recommend using one card. It is acceptable to use the same card for all accounts within the same business manager, as this will not raise any red flags.

When it comes to obtaining additional Facebook accounts, there are two main methods: farming and buying.

A year ago, the process of farming Facebook accounts was relatively simple, but now it has become significantly more challenging. While not impossible, it will take a considerable amount of time before you can start running ads on a farmed account. You should carefully consider this, as it typically requires approximately two months of warming up before you can create a business manager.

If you choose to pursue this approach, here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

The most effective method for creating a new Facebook account is by using a phone number instead of an email. This appears safer to Facebook, as most genuine users primarily access Facebook through their phones. To implement this, you will need to obtain some prepaid SIM cards.

In certain countries, inexpensive prepaid SIM cards are available, and the associated phone number can remain active for several months before requiring a refill.

Now, let's delve into the proper steps for successful farming :

  1. Connect your computer to the 4G hotspot or launch the Luminati proxy manager.
  2. Open the Multilogin app and create a new mobile profile with fresh fingerprints. If you are using Luminati, configure the profile with the proxy information. If you are using a 4G hotspot, leave the profile without a proxy and save it. Then, proceed to open the profile.
  3. It may sound unbelievable, but Facebook collects information even before you create an account with them. This is made possible through Facebook widgets found on various websites, such as share buttons and like buttons. To avoid suspicion from Facebook, you need to browse some websites and click on these buttons to generate cookies.
Facebook becomes suspicious of new users who lack cookies in their browser and whose first visited page is Facebook. This triggers a red flag. Therefore, make sure to navigate and interact with Facebook buttons on at least 10 different websites before accessing Facebook itself.

  1. Create a spreadsheet where you will input all the necessary information for your fictional profiles, including names, phone numbers, emails, passwords, birth dates, locations, and job details.
  2. Obtain several pictures from an Instagram user in a different country and include the Instagram link in your spreadsheet to ensure you have it saved.
  3. Make edits to the pictures by flipping them, cropping them, slightly altering their dimensions to give the face a different appearance, and adjusting the brightness. These modifications should be sufficient.
  4. Proceed to create the Facebook account by adding the provided birth date, job information, profile picture, and cover photo. Allow the account to sit for a day.
  5. The following day, log in to the account and engage in normal activities such as adding friends, joining Facebook groups, sharing content, and giving likes. Act like a regular user but avoid excessive behavior. Continue this routine for the first seven days, spending around 10 minutes each day on these activities.
  6. After the seventh day, create a new browser profile using Multilogin, but this time it should be a desktop profile. Generate cookies by browsing various websites, and then access the Facebook profile you have been working on using the mobile browser profile. Like, comment, and share content on the desktop browser profile for three days.
Once this initial period is complete, you can decrease the frequency of logins and engagement on the profile. However, it will still take a couple of months before you can create a business manager. It is advisable to start running ads on the personal ad account first before creating a business manager (I will provide more details on this later).

By following these steps, you can farm an account correctly, enabling you to create a business manager while minimizing the risk of being banned.


This method offers the quickest way to start running ads in a new business manager, and it has personally enabled me to manage over 30 active Facebook profiles along with multiple business managers. The advantage is that I can work on all of these profiles simultaneously using the same computer and internet connection.

The approach involves purchasing or renting Facebook accounts.

The simplest way to obtain Facebook accounts is by requesting the login credentials from family and friends. This can serve as a good starting point. However, if you desire to scale aggressively and have a larger number of backups, relying solely on family and friends may not be sufficient.

I made the mistake of using numerous accounts from my family and friends without realizing the risks involved. Facebook's actions had a severe impact on me, and I felt incredibly frustrated. Nevertheless, I persevered and conducted extensive research. Despite facing multiple account disablements, I eventually found a solution that worked. Now, I have access to various Facebook profiles belonging to people I don't even know, and I am going to share exactly how I achieved this.

The key is to hire an ambassador. An ambassador is someone who can provide Facebook login credentials in exchange for a commission. It is important to seek out a young person with a large network of friends, preferably a student.

Since most students often struggle financially and could use some extra cash, finding just one person who can fulfill this role is crucial. This person will ask their friends for their login credentials, leveraging the trust they have established. It is essential for the ambassador to assure their friends that their personal accounts will remain safe. Additionally, since young people tend to use platforms like Instagram more frequently than Facebook nowadays, they are often less concerned about the use of their Facebook accounts.


It is crucial to be open and transparent with the ambassador, clearly explaining why you require Facebook accounts and how you intend to use them. A direct approach could be along the lines of: "I work as a digital marketer specializing in running Facebook ads. Due to Facebook's increasing strictness, I am unable to create new accounts for running ads. Therefore, I need genuine accounts to access the ad platform. It's important to note that the ad platform is separate from personal profiles, so there won't be any involvement with personal information."

The amount you can offer per account will vary depending on your location. For instance, in my case, I pay $15 USD per account, and the ambassador receives $5 USD as their share. This payment is made as a one-time fee, but occasionally, I may provide additional compensation. In addition to the login credentials, I also request a picture of their ID. I clarify to the ambassador the reason behind this request, explaining that since I will be logging in from a different computer, there may be a possibility that Facebook asks for identity confirmation. Having a picture of the ID on hand serves as a precautionary measure. The likelihood of this occurrence will be discussed in more detail later.

Steps to effectively warm up real accounts:

  1. Create and configure a new browser profile using Multilogin. For real accounts, there is no need for a mobile profile.
  2. Prior to logging in to the new profile, generate a new proxy with Luminati and add it to the Multilogin configuration.
  3. Open the newly created Multilogin profile and visit a few websites that contain Facebook like and share buttons. This activity helps build up cookies.
  4. Finally, access the Facebook website and log in to the real account. Engage by liking some posts, although limited actions can be taken as it is not our own account. Close the profile and allow for a 24-hour period to pass.
  5. On the following day, create a new fan page. Remember to deactivate all notifications within the fan page settings to avoid receiving any notifications, ensuring that the account owner remains unaware of our usage.
  6. Launch your first ad on the same day. This will be a page likes ad, and it will be conducted from the personal ad account. Go to the fan page dashboard and click on the "Promote" button, then select "Promote Fan Page."
NOTE: There is a possibility of encountering the first checkpoint where Facebook logs you out, and the account owner needs to re-enable their account using their phone and change the password. It is important to inform the account owners about this in advance. Don't worry; once you pass these checkpoints, your accounts will become more trusted.

Select an image for the page likes campaign. You can use the fan page's profile picture and craft an ad copy of your choice. For example, you could name your fan page "Cute Animals," use an image of adorable puppies in the ad, and the ad copy could read something like "Pictures of Cute Animals."

Now, let's add a payment method to the process. I personally use custom debit/credit cards, as discussed in the credit card section. Within the fan page window, click on "Promote." You can set a low budget for this initial campaign, such as $2 USD per day.

  1. Allow the campaign to run until Facebook charges your card three times or until it has been active for at least four days.
  2. After this, you can proceed to create a new business manager. Surprisingly, Facebook will only require the business manager name and email address for the setup. You won't need to provide a website address, business address, or phone number information.
This little hack works remarkably well because by already spending money on Facebook ads through the personal ad account, we gain more trust from Facebook. Verify your email and wait for one day.

  1. Create your first ad account and wait for an additional day.
  2. Launch your first campaign, starting with the page likes objective, and let it run for 2-3 days. Once this initial phase is complete, you can confidently begin running conversion ads.

Facebook Checkpoints:

There are two checkpoints that you may encounter, but if you follow my strategy correctly, it's easy to bypass them. In fact, going through these checkpoints can work in your favor as it enhances the perceived security of the account from Facebook's perspective.

  1. Identity confirmation: Logging in from a different device and wanting to run ads immediately can raise a flag. In this case, the account owner will need to confirm everything is fine either through their phone or, in rare instances, by providing their ID. If phone confirmation is required, the account will be reinstated promptly. If ID verification is necessary, it may take a couple of hours. However, Facebook will always return the account.
  2. Credit card identity confirmation: When adding the payment method, there is a possibility of triggering a flag. To overcome this, make an appeal to Facebook, and you will usually have the account reinstated within 24 hours. If the credit card is under the same name as the account owner, you can explain that it is your card and you would like to use it on Facebook, emphasizing that you have not recently moved. If the card's name differs from the account owner, you can clarify that it belongs to a friend, uncle, cousin, aunt, or any other relative who is assisting you in running ads for your page. This may take a bit longer, but you will ultimately regain access to the account.
By following this exact strategy, I have successfully managed over 30 active Facebook profiles, all prepared to run ads. If necessary, I can always create more profiles using this approach.

I hope you find the content in this post helpful. It represents months of trial and error, working with various business managers, accounts, and profiles. After reading and applying this strategy, you should be able to start building your backup accounts, ensuring that Facebook never hinders your ability to run ads again!

If you found this post helpful, please let me know in the comments. I have a couple of other hacks to share, such as how to remove customer score feedback from fan pages. THERE YOU GO!


Well-known member

Reputation: 100%
Jul 28, 2022
Reaction score
Excellent contribution. Undoubtedly, this information will prove valuable to numerous people who are engaged in managing Facebook ads and experiencing issues with account suspensions.


Well-known member

Reputation: 74%
Jul 28, 2022
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I appreciate your assistance with this detailed technique without any charge. It will certainly be beneficial for numerous people.


Well-known member

Reputation: 26%
Aug 8, 2017
Reaction score
Excellent article. Much appreciated. :)


Well-known member

Reputation: 30%
Mar 15, 2018
Reaction score
This appears to be an excellent and highly beneficial solution for people facing challenges in obtaining advertising accounts. Although the cost of proxies and multilogin services may be relatively high, it is particularly advantageous for those specializing in account creation. However, I have a question regarding the optimal login method to employ when selling one of these accounts. Should I use login details or use cookies, for instance?


Well-known member

Reputation: 40%
Nov 7, 2019
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Fantastic, your actions contribute positively to the community.


Well-known member

Reputation: 29%
Oct 12, 2019
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I will definitely conduct a thorough test and inform you of the outcomes. Edit: As per your statement, you mentioned purchasing two new computers and using authentic accounts belonging to your spouse and parents. Following that, have you implemented any additional measures? It appears that you have only used multilogin (similar to a new PC) and rented other people's accounts. Therefore, I don't see any new developments here, considering you have previously engaged in similar practices and faced consequences. Please note that the mention of Multilogin is not an endorsement but rather an acknowledgment of its association with your actions. Additionally, your previously inactive account has suddenly become active.


Active member

Reputation: 17%
May 22, 2018
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Many men have recently faced significant disadvantages due to Facebook advertisements. Thank you for sharing this valuable information!


Well-known member

Reputation: 37%
Sep 18, 2017
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In reference to your mention of successfully reaching the checkpoint on a purchased account, my personal experience suggests that even when using proxies and gradually establishing accounts that I have created myself, including the use of multiple logins, the moment I initiate the personal ad account manager, I encounter immediate restrictions on the account. I'm curious if you have encountered similar issues with cultivated accounts.


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Jun 18, 2016
Reaction score
Wow, this post is of excellent quality. I saved it because I've experienced harassment from Facebook on several occasions. Even if you haven't violated any rules, they unexpectedly limit your advertising account.

The situation becomes truly distressing when your Instagram business pages are linked to the same Facebook account, as it results in losing access to valuable insights and other business functionalities.

Great post, OP. :)


Well-known member

Reputation: 36%
May 16, 2017
Reaction score
Excellent manual, even though you certainly don't have to go through all these steps to achieve success on the platform.


Well-known member

Reputation: 26%
Jul 10, 2018
Reaction score
Hey man, I really appreciate you! I've saved it for future reference.
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