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I’ve never found a USA eSIM that actually works, and trust me, I’ve tried almost every one. I’ve heard T-Mobile eSIM works, but I think it only works inside the US.
I guess even the least expensive physical USA SIM would be better than an eSIM.
Yep, the best choice is to get a physical SIM. T-Mobile eSIM is pricey, and we’re not even sure if it works.
By the way, all the companies selling 'US eSIMs' connected me to networks from places like Poland, France, Israel, etc. On TikTok, I ended up connected to those countries, not the US.
The eSIM works, but it’s really hard—maybe even impossible—to use US eSIMs in Europe. I still haven’t found a solution.
You'll also need a 4G/5G mobile proxy along with the SIM. Both of these products are available on MMO . You should make a post and list what you need in the 'Want To Buy' section so sellers who match your needs can contact you: MMO