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I will explain you how to get clients on Instagram!


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Reputation: 21%
Jun 22, 2022
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In 2023, social media remains an excellent platform for business growth, self-promotion, and showcasing your products or services to potential customers. Many business owners often wonder how they can acquire clients specifically on Instagram. They ask if they should engage in extensive direct messaging (DM), excessively promote their offerings through posts, or provide frequent discounts. Addressing these concerns, I have compiled a set of tips to assist online business owners in attracting clients through their Instagram accounts. While these tips provide a starting point, implementing them correctly is crucial to achieving the desired results.

One key aspect to note is that you need to actively pursue clients rather than waiting for them to approach you. This involves taking proactive measures to acquire clients. So, how can you accomplish this?

  1. PUT YOURSELF LIVE! - and this goes beyond simply creating an Instagram account where you mention your products or services. It involves:
1.1. Crafting your bio: Your bio should provide a clear description of what you do. Use concise and precise words that explain your expertise, how you can assist others, and what sets you apart from competitors. For example: "NY House Call Veterinarian. Blending traditional and regenerative approaches to pet care." By reading your bio, people can understand that you're a veterinarian offering a unique combination of approaches, your location, and the convenience of house calls.

1.2. Optimizing your name: Instead of just using your business name, consider changing your name within your Instagram bio to include a keyword that potential clients might search for when looking for your services. For instance, rather than "DRDEAN," use "DRDEAN veterinarian" or "DRDEAN pet care." This way, when people search for a vet, your account will be more likely to appear. If you only use "DRDEAN," your account may not show up in their search results.

1.3. Including a link to your business page: Make sure to include a link in your bio that directs people to your main business page. This link can lead to your website, LinkedIn page, or any other platform where you present your products or services. Always double-check that the link is functioning properly. It's essential to test it to ensure a seamless user experience.

Now that you have established your personal brand or business presence, it's time to...

It's easy to say you need to attract new followers, but let's delve into how you can do that more precisely. Instagram provides several tools to help you accomplish this:

2.1. Use Posts: When people visit your Instagram account, they typically look at your bio first to learn about your identity and then explore your feed posts to verify if you are genuine. Your posts should align with the information in your bio. For instance, if you have a veterinarian account, it wouldn't be appropriate to primarily post about travel with only a couple of posts related to dogs. Instead, focus on sharing content related to your work, showcasing results, interacting with clients, providing valuable tips, and sharing useful information for your target audience. Research and use relevant hashtags within your niche to attract the right audience. Create multiple groups of hashtags (around 4-5) that are specific to your industry. Consider using long-tail hashtags, such as #nycpetcare, as they can directly connect you with people in your location, which is beneficial for offline businesses.

2.2. Leverage Stories: Use Instagram Stories to share short messages or pictures of yourself in action, showcasing your work or engaging with clients. People appreciate behind-the-scenes content, and this kind of authentic engagement can help you connect with your audience more effectively.

2.3. Harness Reels: Reels are a newer feature that the Instagram algorithm prioritizes to increase your visibility among your target audience. They can be seen as the video version of posts, so apply similar rules when creating reel content.

Make use of all these features, but always keep in mind what your clients want. Consider what your competitors may not offer and how you can enhance your clients' experiences or improve their businesses. Try to answer these questions when you create your posts. Providing helpful and valuable content will encourage people to return for more, engage with your posts, and ultimately become your clients.

Now that your Instagram content is attracting new followers, the next step is to retain them and convert them into customers. Here's how you can achieve that:

3.1. Personalize DMs: Direct Messages (DMs) typically have low engagement rates as people often receive spammy messages on Instagram. However, if you want to stand out and make an impact, try a different approach. Send a voice note or even a video message to your followers. This allows them to get to know you better and fosters a sense of connection, making them more inclined to engage with you and your offerings.

3.2. Community Engagement: This approach requires more time and effort, but it is highly effective in building both your community and your business. Instagram is an interactive platform, and people feel more comfortable engaging with someone they have a connection with, rather than a stranger sending mass DMs. To engage with your audience, follow people in your niche, visit their accounts, and genuinely interact with their posts and comments. Avoid using generic emojis or short comments. Instead, leave thoughtful and meaningful comments related to their content. Show appreciation or offer advice if they are seeking guidance. Additionally, be proactive in responding to comments left on your own posts. Interacting with your audience demonstrates your engagement and presents an opportunity to convert them into customers. For instance, if someone comments that they tried one of your free tips and it worked for them, you can send them a DM with a voice message expressing gratitude and including a call to action.

3.3. Consistency is Key: Stay consistent with your Instagram activities. Aim to post at least three times per week and engage by liking and/or commenting on posts daily. Consistency signals to your followers that you are present and committed to providing value. It helps build trust in you, your posts, and your interactions, making your audience more confident in trying your products or services.

Having shared some tips on acquiring clients on Instagram, let me highlight five common mistakes people make when attempting to convert followers into customers.

  1. Targeting the Right Audience: Focus on people who are interested in and willing to pay for your products or services.
When starting an Instagram account from scratch, it may be tempting to aim for a high number of followers, believing that more followers will result in more clients. However, this strategy will not be effective unless you target your audience correctly. So, how can you reach the right audience?

Start by choosing your niche. If your niche is broad, such as fitness, try narrowing it down to a specific segment, like fitness for stay-at-home moms or fitness for busy people. Follow and engage with people within this niche to establish connections and build your audience.

To convert followers into clients, focus on those who have both the desire and the means to pay for your offerings. If you exclusively target students, for example, they are unlikely to have the financial resources to invest in your fitness program and may opt for free alternatives available online. Instead, direct your attention towards people who can afford your product or service. For instance, target busy professionals who value their health but have limited time to spare. These people often have higher earning potential, making them more likely to invest in your offerings.

It is important to note that this doesn't mean you should solely focus on people with financial means. You can still cater to students, stay-at-home moms, and others who may not have substantial income. However, it is essential to strike a balance and prioritize your efforts towards those who can afford your offerings. Remember, you are running a business with the goal of making money and growing your venture.

While targeting your audience, continue to provide value to all your followers by sharing free tips, helpful information, and occasional discounts when appropriate. Supporting and growing your community benefits everyone, including those who may not be able to pay for your services at the moment.

2. Share the right content: post what you know and are good at.

People need to see that you are an expert in your industry, so post things you know in your field, not in similar domains.
Let's say you have a business in the fitness area, post about different types of sport and what works best according to age or time-consuming. Don't talk about nutrition if you are not an expert in this area. If you think people who want to lose weight or stay in shape need some info on your page on what to eat, share some nutrition expert posts or collaborate with one. Don't post too many (as that is not your field of expertise), just some from time to time. You can ask your partner on nutrition to promote your fitness services on his page; this way, you got a win-win. Diversify posts and attract clients from a new source.
Show your expertise, share some of your info, some of your secrets in the industry, make free tips posts so people see that you know your stuff, and build trust in you and your service.

  1. Be Proactive: Take the initiative to acquire clients instead of waiting for them to come to you.
Some people mistakenly believe that once they have created an outstanding Instagram account with great content, their work is done, and they can simply wait for clients to find them. However, this approach is flawed, especially in 2022, with numerous market opportunities and competition for attention. Instead of passively waiting for clients, you need to actively choose your clients.

One effective method is to conduct research and use industry-specific hashtags. Find and follow people who align with your target audience, and engage with them by liking their posts, leaving thoughtful comments, and responding to their stories. By consistently engaging with these people, you can gradually build your own community.

Another proactive approach is to expand your presence beyond Instagram. Relying solely on IG promotion may not get significant results. Consider creating a website for your business and implementing SEO strategies to increase your visibility in search engine results. Additionally, explore other platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or industry-specific forums. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions to connect with people who are genuinely interested in your industry.

By being proactive and taking advantage of multiple avenues, you can actively attract and choose your clients, increasing your chances of business success.

  1. Make Your Offer Known: Put your product or service on the market.
While you diligently create engaging content, provide valuable information, and offer helpful tips, it's important not to overlook the primary purpose of your efforts: letting people know that you have a product or service available for sale. As you work hard to showcase your expertise and build trust, it's crucial to consistently remind your followers about your offerings.

Always include an offer for your followers and regularly emphasize that there is additional value in your paid products or services. To strike a balance, consider using the 3 to 1 rule: for every three educational or informative posts you share, make one that explicitly presents your offer. Avoid using rigid sales pitches such as "Buy this fitness program for only $99," as this may come across as manipulative and could potentially turn some people away.

Instead, adopt a softer approach. For instance, you can share some valuable tips and then suggest that if your followers enjoyed the content and want to learn more, they can explore your comprehensive fitness program. By framing your offer in a way that seamlessly follows informative content, you make it feel like a natural next step for those who are genuinely interested.

Remember, striking a balance between providing value and promoting your offerings will help you effectively engage your audience and maintain their interest in what you have to offer.

  1. Exercise Patience: Good things take time.
It's natural for everyone to desire quick sales and immediate success as soon as they put their offer on the market. However, achieving instant success is challenging, especially if your product or service is not uniquely different from competitors. Creating something exceptional requires considerable effort.

To set yourself up for success, diligently follow the steps outlined in the earlier sections of this article and avoid common mistakes. Once you have implemented effective strategies, it's important to be patient. Even if you have an outstanding product or service, it takes time for people to become familiar with you, explore your expertise, build trust, and ultimately choose your offerings.

Remember that acquiring clients typically takes between two to three months, so try not to stress excessively. Focus on delivering your best work, maintaining consistency, and striving for results. Patience and perseverance are key during this process.

These tips have been instrumental in growing solid and impactful communities for my business and clients, attracting clients, and enhancing online companies.

I hope you find this article helpful. I wish you an incredible journey filled with many happy and loyal clients!

P.S. Stay tuned for future parts on Instagram marketing!


Well-known member

Reputation: 35%
Jun 16, 2015
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I appreciate the information, my friend.


Well-known member

Reputation: 35%
May 24, 2017
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This guide seems to be quite comprehensive. Have you obtained any concrete outcomes from using this approach?


Well-known member

Reputation: 18%
Mar 15, 2016
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I'm grateful for the assistance you provided, and I value it.


Well-known member

Reputation: 47%
Dec 14, 2016
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Los Angeles
Excellent resource, I haven't dedicated much effort to building my Instagram presence, but I'm considering giving it a try.


Well-known member

Reputation: 43%
Jul 28, 2022
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I appreciate you for providing this valuable information.


Well-known member

Reputation: 77%
Jul 28, 2022
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I appreciate the guidance you provided...


Well-known member

Reputation: 35%
May 14, 2019
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I certainly gained value from this, appreciate you sharing, buddy!



Reputation: 4%
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
Excellent resource, I haven't dedicated much effort to building my Instagram presence, but I'm considering giving it a try.
Indeed, following these suggestions led to significant outcomes for my associate. They successfully acquired five enduring clients and continue to expand their portfolio. The typical outcomes include an expanding Instagram page, attracting a larger number of relevant followers, converting them into additional clients, and establishing enduring partnerships.


Well-known member

Reputation: 39%
Sep 15, 2015
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Thank you for sharing, I appreciate it. It's wonderful to hear that your girlfriend is interested in starting an Instagram dedicated to makeup services. I believe my guide would be incredibly helpful to her in this endeavor.


Well-known member

Reputation: 34%
Jun 12, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate it. It's wonderful to hear that your girlfriend is interested in starting an Instagram dedicated to makeup services. I believe my guide would be incredibly helpful to her in this endeavor.
I'm thrilled to learn that! Wishing you the very best with your account!
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