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MMO A&P How to make money in Apps & Phone industry!?


New member

Reputation: 1%
Mar 1, 2023
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Hello, today we gonna speak about possible ways to make money in phone industry.

1. Creating Apps
2. Running Phone Farm ( Providing app installs, comments and ratings to boost app sellers - Get Paid! )
3. Running SMS Service


Ok what does it take to create and app. There are many free programs, and I heard people from my friends circle who used builder software to build easy games with no coding skills and netting 5000$ and more from silly games that sky rockets! There are drag and drop builders for creating apps, is not 2010 anymore and same as you create for example shopify store by drag and dropping objects, same way you can make apps! Here are information about apps and video showcasing more about this topic :


Define Your App Idea:​

  1. Conceptualize Your Idea:
    • Clearly define your app's purpose, target audience, and unique selling points.
  2. Market Research:
    • Analyze similar apps in the market.
    • Identify your app's unique features.

Plan Your App:​

  1. Sketch Your App:
    • Create rough sketches of your app's layout and features.
  2. Wireframing:
    • Use wireframing tools to create a more detailed visual representation of your app.
  3. Define Features:
    • List down all the features your app will have.

Design Your App:​

  1. UI/UX Design:
    • Design your app's user interface and experience.
    • Ensure a user-friendly design.

Choose a Development Path:​

  1. Native or Cross-Platform:
    • Decide whether to develop natively (using Swift for iOS, Kotlin/Java for Android) or go for a cross-platform framework (React Native, Flutter).


  1. Set Up Development Environment:
    • Install necessary software and tools for app development.
  2. Coding:
    • Start coding based on the design and features you've planned.
  3. Test Continuously:
    • Regularly test your app throughout the development process.

Integrate Backend:​

  1. Set Up a Server:
    • If your app requires server-side functionality, set up a backend server.
  2. API Integration:
    • Connect your app to any necessary APIs or databases.


  1. Quality Assurance:
    • Perform thorough testing for functionality, usability, and security.


  1. App Store Submission:
    • Prepare your app for submission to the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android).
  2. App Store Guidelines:
    • Adhere to the guidelines and requirements of the respective app stores.


  1. Marketing:
    • Promote your app through various channels.
  2. Gather Feedback:
    • Collect user feedback and make necessary improvements.
  3. Updates:
    • Regularly update your app with bug fixes and new features.


  • Legalities:
    • Ensure you have the necessary licenses and permissions.
  • Monetization:
    • Decide on your app's monetization strategy (free, freemium, one-time purchase, ads, in-app purchases).
  • Security:
    • Implement security measures to protect user data.
  • Analytics:
    • Integrate analytics tools to monitor user behavior and app performance.
Remember, app development can be complex, and depending on your expertise, you may need to collaborate with developers or use no-code/low-code platforms for a more straightforward approach

  1. Native App Development:
    • iOS (Swift): If you're targeting Apple devices, Swift is the primary language for iOS app development.
    • Android (Java/Kotlin): For Android apps, you can use Java or Kotlin.
  2. Cross-Platform Frameworks:
    • React Native: Developed by Facebook, allows you to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It offers a single codebase for both iOS and Android.
    • Flutter: Created by Google, Flutter uses the Dart programming language and provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets. It's known for its high-performance UI.
    • Xamarin: Owned by Microsoft, Xamarin allows you to use C# for building cross-platform apps. It integrates with Visual Studio.
  3. Low-Code/No-Code Platforms:
    • Thunkable, Adalo, Bubble: These platforms allow you to create mobile apps with minimal coding. They are suitable for simple applications and are beginner-friendly.
  4. Game Development:
    • Unity: If you're creating a gaming app, Unity is a powerful cross-platform game development engine.
  5. Web Technologies:
    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), PWAs provide a mobile-app-like experience across different platforms.
  6. App Builders:
    • Appgyver, OutSystems, Mendix: These platforms offer drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates to create apps without extensive coding.


Running Phone farm, yeah owning hundreds of cheap cell phones doing work like browsing, app installing, watching videos, etc etc. This is how Phone Farm looks like :



Running SMS service

Rent SMS numbers to receive SMS codes, etc. This website shows how someone was running SMS farm :


Active member

Reputation: 31%
Apr 14, 2018
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That's a million-dollar question that no one will give you a straight answer to.

Personally, I use an ad switcher from my hosting provider, but I still encounter limited ads occasionally.


New member

Reputation: 1%
Mar 1, 2023
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Do you mean an ad switcher that rotates between different AdMob accounts? Is that possible?

Or are you referring to an ad switcher that alternates between different ad networks? (I do that as well.)

The key is that by sharing our experiences and helping each other, we might be able to find a solution. I'm not necessarily expecting someone with the perfect solution to come forward and tell us.
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