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But my English isn't that great, and it looks good to me, but the AI detector flagged it at 98%.If you solely rely on AI to generate an article and publish it without reviewing or making any alterations, it could potentially have negative consequences for your website.
It appears that Google doesn't place a significant emphasis on this matter, but it is still advisable to select a reliable and reputable virtual assistant for the task.
But my English isn't that great, and it looks good to me, but the AI detector flagged it at 98%.
Which AI detection tool are you using? I was recently testing some content from CNN, Forbes, and other big newspapers with AI detection tools!
The tool marked some of those articles as 91%+ AI. I think you should be careful about trusting those "AI Detection" tool results too much!
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I keep hearing about these highly-priced copywriters. Can you tell me where to find them?
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What is the best hardware or software to use when making cold calls to companies?
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C&SP How can ChatGPT be utilized to streamline and enhance your workflow?