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The dating service provides a payment of 3.20 units.It varies based on the specific field, I suppose, but those statistics don't impress me.
Media buying for a dating offer resulted in impressions and clicks.What are this?
Do not use smartlink for media purchasing; instead, acquire an offer and commence with promotion.Dating services are offering a payment of 3.20 units for their services."
As for the second question, the answer depends on various factors. Using a smartlink for media buying can be beneficial if it efficiently optimizes traffic and maximizes revenue by directing users to the most appropriate offers based on their location and device. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on the specific campaign, target audience, and the quality of the smartlink platform being used. It's essential to thoroughly research and test the smartlink's performance before making a decision.
Facebook ads are permanently blacklisting my url?
Facebook ads not as good as I thought