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Search results

  1. LoganG

    GOALS My GOAL - Youtube Voiceover - 30$/day By 2024 Jan 1

    Sure! Here’s a rewritten version: "How did you customize it? Sounds like an interesting journey! Keep us updated. By the way, I run four YouTube channels."
  2. LoganG

    GOALS Goal - 100$ Daily Quora and CpaBuild

    Each session lasts about 2 to 3 hours. I usually spend time answering Quora questions at noon and night
  3. LoganG

    GOALS Goal - 100$ Daily Quora and CpaBuild

    Currently, I manage over 80 accounts. I use two accounts to post around five answers each, but finding niche-related questions and answering them manually is very time-consuming.
  4. LoganG

    GOALS Goal - 100$ Daily Quora and CpaBuild

    That's precisely why I'm seeking a bot, as I lack experience with Socinator. Do you utilize a bot to automate task responses on Quora?
  5. LoganG

    GOALS Goal - 100$ Daily Quora and CpaBuild

    Greetings, I'm excited to embark on a journey with Quora and CPABuild, spanning approximately five months. Stay tuned for updates and insights! I've successfully demonstrated a method to generate income through Quora and CPABuild, backed by the following statistics: Quora accounts: Over 80...
  6. LoganG

    Ip4, residential, or 4g mobile proxy for IG?

    When managing an Instagram account, residential proxies are usually safer and more dependable than mobile proxies.
  7. LoganG

    Is it possible to use gambling ads on Facebook?

    Facebook and gambling typically don't mix well.
  8. LoganG

    Tiktok accounts posting stiches?

    I sometimes find myself pondering the methods they employ.
  9. LoganG

    Youtube Can you bot youtube?

    It is completely reasonable for sellers to opt out of using PayPal. I'm curious, how many views can you generate per hour that have a lasting impact? Moreover, if you're not using search or external means, how do you manage to generate suggested views? In other words, how does the bot identify...
  10. LoganG

    Youtube How can I get more views to my channel?

    Spread your videos across various social media platforms. If your video contains compelling content that has the potential to go viral, you will attract a substantial number of views.
  11. LoganG

    Why my Facebook accounts gets banned fast?

    Is the system time zone on your PC the same as on the Proxy? - Affirmative. Could 5sim.net be reusing their phone numbers, resulting in them being flagged? - I successfully created a Facebook profile without phone verification, using only an email. Therefore, Facebook did not have any visibility...
  12. LoganG

    How I make xx.xxx$ a month in Pinterest.

    What strategies can I implement to earn xxxxx$ per month from Pinterest? Greetings! Pinterest can be viewed as a digital magazine that is accessible to over 100 million women on a daily basis, completely free of charge. It presents an opportunity to showcase your blog posts or products within...
  13. LoganG

    Comparing Amazon and AliExpress dropshipping.

    What is the better option between Amazon and AliExpress dropshipping?
  14. LoganG

    Blog What social media platform generates the highest amount of traffic to your website or blog? (A serious inquiry)

    The amount of traffic you receive from different platforms depends on your niche. Pinterest tends to generate more traffic for content related to women. However, I have observed significant traffic from Quora and Facebook as well. Instagram would be even more effective in driving traffic if they...
  15. LoganG

    C&SP The art of creating persuasive and compelling copy that results in the sale of millions.

    I respectfully disagree; Namecheap is not considered reliable or suitable for activities involving warez, DMCA violations, or pharmaceuticals.
  16. LoganG

    How to make tags in Blogger colorful

    For God sake somebody help me!
  17. LoganG

    Blog Blogs will soon become extinct due to AI?

    A few months ago, I humbled myself and let go of my previous belief in the superiority of exclusively handcrafted content. I swiftly adjusted my approach and now embrace the use of AI to assist my writers in creating content. It's time to ride the wave and stay ahead of the competition, who are...
  18. LoganG

    LSEO I'm looking to start a digital marketing agency and would appreciate any advice you may have.

    Hello everyone, I'm interested in starting a digital marketing agency that mainly focuses on offering local SEO services in my town. After conducting some research, I've noticed that there aren't many people in this field, and I believe that there is an opportunity for me to fill this gap. My...
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