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Pinterest account case study


Well-known member

Reputation: 39%
Apr 7, 2017
Reaction score
Here's a case study of one of my client's accounts. We started working with this client in October 2021. In November, we didn't pin much, but in December, we began pinning both idea pins and regular pins.

Currently, the account has 19,000 followers and 5.0 million monthly viewers. Below are the details of the outbound links and saves we've received so far:

810 outbound clicks
Pin ads cost €13.2
4764 saves

1458 outbound clicks
Pin ads cost €6.95
8083 saves

3964 outbound clicks
Pin ads cost €25.85
14370 saves

5987 outbound clicks
Pin ads cost €37.62
14869 saves

7659 outbound clicks
Pin ads cost €11.59
21598 saves


  1. First, we cleaned up the profile. We merged similar boards, archived irrelevant ones, and left only a few group boards. Now, we have 7 boards and 3 group boards. Having fewer boards makes management easier and keeps them active. Pinterest works like a search engine, so staying active is important for growth. Inactive boards can slow down progress. Keep only the boards you can manage or merge them.
  2. Next, we did thorough keyword research, optimized the boards, and wrote board descriptions. We used tools like Pin ads interface, Pin inspector, and Buzzsumo to gather keyword and competitor data.
  3. Within a week, the profile was properly set up. We installed the Pinterest tag, set up Pin templates, and selected a color palette.
  4. The client's profile was inactive for some time, so we needed to boost engagement first. Fresh Pins take time to gain traction, so we used Idea Pins (or Story Pins) and Video Pins to kickstart engagement. We posted 5-7 Idea Pins daily, some provided by the client and others sourced from Instagram reels, always giving proper credit to the original creators. This approach resulted in good growth, reaching 200K monthly viewers in about a month.
5.In the first month, October, we focused on Idea Pins to boost engagement. November was quiet, so we started regular pinning in December, with 5-10 pins daily. The client had over 200 articles with plenty of images that had never been pinned, giving us lots of content to work with.
6.We utilized Pin ads by running $20-30 ads per month. Running ads helps keep the account safe from suspension, which can happen for various reasons like pinning too many pins at once or changing outbound links. Pin ads offer some protection, as platforms are less likely to suspend accounts that spend money on ads regularly.
7.Manual pinning has been very effective for us. We use two methods: designing the pin, adding the description and outbound link, then pinning it directly on Pinterest; or directly pinning images from the client's website. Both methods have their uses, with custom pins pinned using the first method and article images pinned using the second. We also use Pinterest's native scheduler on weekends when we take a break.

Reasons for Good Growth:

a) Quality and Quantity of Content: Our client posts 15-20 articles per month, each with 10-15 images. This gives us 150-300 pins monthly. Additionally, we design 2 custom pins for each blog post and pin 2 idea pins daily, totaling 180-340 regular pins and 60 idea pins monthly. This volume of pins contributes significantly to our growth.

b) Pinterest Trends: We monitor Pinterest trends weekly and create idea pins accordingly. This helps us engage with trending topics quickly.

c) Timing Content: We've noticed a traffic spike every Saturday, indicating peak user activity. To capitalize on this, we increase idea pin postings on Thursdays and Fridays to cater to weekend planning.

d) Targeting the Right Interests: We tailor content to match our audience's interests by analyzing audience insights and focusing on categories and interests with high affinity. This strategy boosts engagement and click-through rates.

Moving forward, we plan to leverage idea pins and regular pins for affiliate sales.

Marketing is an ever-evolving field, and what works today may not work tomorrow. We're open to questions and eager to hear about your experiences and strategies for success.

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