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MMO A&P I have problems with Admob Mobile app monetization


Well-known member

Reputation: 28%
Jul 21, 2019
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Hello everyone,

I've been encountering issues with AdMob limits, leading to Adsense deactivation, and it seems like several Google Play developers/marketers here are facing similar challenges. The reasons behind these issues often appear unclear, and it could be beneficial for us to pool our experiences and information to find potential solutions.

Let's share our first-hand experiences and insights to collectively work towards resolving this problem. AdMob outperforms other ad networks for me, providing 5x-10x higher earnings.

To kick things off, let's discuss when this AdMob limit issue started affecting you.

Here's my story: I used AdMob from 2014 to 2020 without encountering a ban. However, each app I published received a prior violation due to AdMob linking. In 2019, I switched to FAN until August 2021, when my FAN account got banned. Meanwhile, in early 2020, I created an AdMob account with only two apps, generating 30€/day. When FAN got banned in August 2021, I moved all my apps to AdMob, and initially, everything seemed smooth. Then: [continue your story]

The AdMob limit issue began around March 2022, coinciding with the increased popularity of the Russia-Ukraine war on social media. Strangely, I had never faced an AdMob limit before, even though I had the same apps.

The trouble started when, for a brief period, my earnings skyrocketed to 6000€/day, a significant jump from my usual 100€/day. However, this surge seemed to be from bots or some external source, not initiated by me—possibly a form of sabotage from competitors. Shortly after, the AdMob limit was imposed, and my account was banned after one month.

In an attempt to address the situation, I purchased an AdSense account and re-added the same apps. Although I faced a one-month limit, I managed to achieve a 90% match rate despite the restriction and received payment for one month. However, the limit reoccurred after one month, leading to another ban.

This pattern repeated with another purchased account. Now, I'm experimenting with a new account I created myself. I disabled user metrics, hoping that Google won't identify my apps as low quality through that avenue.

I also have my original main account, which had prior violations. I deactivated it myself and reactivated it a few months ago, presenting itself as a new AdMob account with a new pub ID. I am testing this account since the associated email is old and active.

Let's collectively share our experiences to gather data and find potential solutions. Despite the AdMob limitations, I still observe numerous apps on the store with AdMob, including established ones like Muslim Pro, where the ad frequency appears excessive. Additionally, I've come across stories of young developers adhering to rules yet facing limitations and bans, indicating there might be more to the situation than meets the eye.


Active member

Reputation: 19%
May 12, 2019
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that's a million-dollar question, and no one really reveals how to avoid it.

Personally, I use an ad switcher from my hosting service, but I still experience limited ads from time to time.


Well-known member

Reputation: 28%
Jul 21, 2019
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is it possible to use an ad switcher to switch between different AdMob accounts?

Or can we use an ad switcher for other ad networks? (That’s something I do as well.)

The key is that if we share our experiences and help each other out, we might discover a solution. I don’t necessarily expect someone with the answer to just come forward.


Active member

Reputation: 22%
Aug 15, 2018
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don’t partner with people who aren’t interested in your business. Try using IronSource as a mediation platform and enable other networks. It’s that simple. You’ll get lower payouts, but there’s no risk unless you’re not being straightforward.


Active member

Reputation: 25%
Mar 16, 2019
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any new AdMob account you create using the same app package will eventually get banned. You need to start fresh and find a way to direct your existing users to your new app. This can be done easily by adding an intro message in the current app and sending push notifications to encourage users to install the new one.


Active member

Reputation: 22%
Aug 15, 2018
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any new AdMob account you create using the same app package will eventually get banned. You need to start fresh and find a way to direct your existing users to your new app. This can be done easily by adding an intro message in the current app and sending push notifications to encourage users to install the new one.

just make sure the new app doesn’t use AdMob, though.
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