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How to make 100.000$/ DAY on TikTok!?


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Reputation: 28%
Mar 13, 2020
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Did you know that making money from TikTok is becoming easier every day? If you didn't, that's okay—many people are still unaware of this opportunity.

However, if you're motivated and driven, there's no reason you shouldn't capitalize on this social media platform, just like Miss Excel. She earns up to $100,000 a day simply by uploading TikTok videos.

In this article, I'll reveal Miss Excel's secret and explain how she makes $100,000 a day from TikTok.

Who is Miss Excel?

Kat Norton, also known as Miss Excel, is a former Microsoft consultant who skyrocketed her digital firm's success in 2020. With over 800,000 followers on TikTok, she can earn up to $100,000 in a single day from the platform.

Miss Excel provides simple, enjoyable Excel tutorials and then directs viewers to her courses. Although it's not a complicated business model, the payoffs are astonishing. She makes her videos more engaging by setting them to catchy music and incorporating real-world scenarios, making her tips and tricks more relatable.

Her Story​

Kat experienced the severity of the pandemic just like many of us did. She reportedly felt anxiety when the initial COVID-19 epidemic confined her to her parents' house. She has admitted to some magazines that becoming Miss Excel required much effort and a "deep dive" into spirituality.

However, she seized the moment and created her first course when Morning Brew contacted her for an interview. That's how her business took off. In fact, she had to take two weeks off from work to create that course, which she then posted on Black Friday 2020.

How Did She Succeed?​

Miss Excel's success comes from her ability to make Excel tutorials fun and accessible. By combining catchy music and real-world applications, she has made her content both educational and entertaining, leading to a massive following and substantial earnings.

She picks the right moments.

When Kat feels energized and focused, she puts all her attention into creating new content. She imagines her work going viral and only shows herself to her audience when she's feeling her best. This way, she can give her best effort.

She says, "I organize my business based on energy. I make sure my energy is really strong, and I visualize what will become popular. Then I quickly create those ideas on my computer because social media content is all about sharing energy. When you look at my content on your phone, you're feeling my energy."

She makes learning enjoyable.

Miss Excel teaches people how to use Excel and Google Sheets while playing catchy songs in the background. She also uses real-life examples to explain her points. That's why all her videos are becoming popular quickly.

She promotes her courses on TikTok.

Directing viewers to her paid course is the main reason she became wealthy quickly. It's a very effective strategy.

Kat knew her fame was coming. Even before she started Miss Excel, she told her mom, "Mom, I'm going to be rich and famous soon, so I need you to prepare for that." This is heartwarming because she made it happen. Many people might say similar things, but Kat actually achieved it. Now, she can sometimes earn six figures in a single day.
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