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GOALS Building Mobile Phone Android and iOS App empire $$$



Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Jun 15, 2020
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I aim to develop applications for both Android and iOS, each tailored to specific niches. My ultimate goal is to venture into the realm of mobile games down the line. Quality is paramount to me—I want users to experience the best, ensuring high retention rates. Unlike opting for the easy route with apps like Wallpaper downloads, my focus is on creating something genuinely useful and meaningful.
While financial success is a common motivation, my primary drive is to establish something enduring. Though the mobile and gaming industry is undeniably lucrative, my approach isn't solely driven by monetary gains. Some might argue it's a saturated market, but I see it as a challenge to surpass the competition. I'm committed to going the extra mile to achieve excellence in this space.

Me and Apps making :

I started on this journey from scratch in 2022, lacking any coding skills and feeling overwhelmed by the vast realm of knowledge and coding intricacies. However, I navigated through the basics, gradually improving step by step, always gaining new insights along the way. My focus was on delving into the mobile app industry, conducting tests, and accumulating valuable experiences.

Since then, I've successfully created and monetized approximately five apps. I pushed the boundaries, testing how far I could go before apps faced removal and exploring the limits of advertising effectiveness. The process of app development involves numerous considerations, and I've managed to generate around $5k or more through my endeavors so far.

Here's what I've got:

  • Proficiency in marketing
  • Developer accounts for iOS and Android
  • Accounts with various ad networks
  • Understanding of the market dynamics, including do's and don'ts, particularly concerning Google and its policies
How do you plan to monetize the apps?

My current strategy revolves around ads exclusively. I currently have no intentions to introduce in-app purchases.

Which ad networks do you intend to leverage?

My primary choices include Admob (proven to have the best eCPM based on my experience), Facebook Audience Network (FAN), and, for certain apps, Appodeal mediation.

What tools and languages will you use for app development?

I'll be utilizing Swift and Java, with Flutter coming into play for specific apps.

How do you plan to attract users and drive traffic?

My approach involves a mix of advertising, SEO optimization, social media engagement, in-app ads, and App Store Optimization (ASO).
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Well-known member

Reputation: 24%
May 11, 2020
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Best of luck! Keep us updated.


Well-known member

Reputation: 41%
May 11, 2017
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I'm not undermining your skill set, but if you started in February, are you planning to take baby steps? Starting with basic apps, refining or altering existing ones, and then gradually progressing to more complex projects as your knowledge and skills evolve?

Alternatively, are you diving straight into the deep end?

I'm assuming there's a scaling-up approach, but I wasn't entirely sure. What about the visual side of things? Do you have that covered, or are you planning to leverage resources or potentially collaborate with others for app development skills? If you've thought that far ahead - just curious, not criticizing or finding faults :)


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Oct 7, 2019
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Wishing you the best of luck! We've already been in touch, and I'm keen to keep exchanging information. I'll be following your progress.


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Jun 15, 2020
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I'm not undermining your skill set, but if you started in February, are you planning to take baby steps? Starting with basic apps, refining or altering existing ones, and then gradually progressing to more complex projects as your knowledge and skills evolve?

Alternatively, are you diving straight into the deep end?

I'm assuming there's a scaling-up approach, but I wasn't entirely sure. What about the visual side of things? Do you have that covered, or are you planning to leverage resources or potentially collaborate with others for app development skills? If you've thought that far ahead - just curious, not criticizing or finding faults :)

I was building my knowledge like constructing a house. First, I learned the basics and laid the foundation. Then I built the framework. After that, I added more pages and features like sharing, rating, Firebase integration, and Apple/Google Sign-In.

If I encounter issues I can't resolve on my own, I hire someone on Upwork for help.

It also depends on the app's complexity. I aim to publish the best possible version initially. I don't want to constantly overhaul the entire app with every update. Instead, I prefer to update it occasionally to add new features or content as needed.

Wishing you the best of luck! We've already been in touch, and I'm keen to keep exchanging information. I'll be following your progress.

Thanks a lot, mate!


Active member

Reputation: 21%
May 10, 2019
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Have you published apps to the stores before?


Active member

Reputation: 21%
May 10, 2019
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Yes, I have. This allowed me to gain some experience and earn some money.

Great! If you have time, I'd love to hear about the process of publishing to the iOS App Store. I've heard it's more complicated than the Play Store. Thanks!


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Jun 15, 2020
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Great! If you have time, I'd love to hear about the process of publishing to the iOS App Store. I've heard it's more complicated than the Play Store. Thanks!

Their standards are very high, meaning they are very selective about which apps they allow. Additionally, you need macOS (Xcode) to upload apps to the store. The developer account costs $99 per year, if I recall correctly.


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Jun 15, 2020
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Lesson 1: Avoid Getting Your Admob or Apps Suspended by Google - Zero Tolerance Policy​

I've nearly completed my first Android app and now just need to wait for Google/Admob to send the verification letter to my address. It took about 5 days last time, so I expect to receive it sometime next week.


Previously, I had another Admob account, but Google suspended my Adsense account (which had practically no earnings!), and consequently, they also suspended Admob. This was strange because the suspension was due to a domain that had been used for Blackhat activities a year prior, which I hadn't touched since. I had no Adsense earnings, only Admob earnings. It seemed like they were just looking for a reason to suspend my entire account.

Beware of Google's Zero Tolerance Policy: Protect Your Admob and Adsense Accounts​

Google suspended my accounts right before they owed me around $4,000, and I lost all that money. Their actions were extremely frustrating, and I don’t trust them at all. I’m not alone; many accounts were suspended at the end of July 2020.

Here’s my advice if you’re thinking about starting with Admob/Adsense or developing apps for the Play Store:

Google is incredibly powerful. They control YouTube, the Play Store, the Search Engine, Maps, Gmail, and more, allowing them to collect vast amounts of data from you and those around you. Never give them a reason to suspend you. Their zero-tolerance policy means they can ban you for any reason they see fit, and there's no one regulating them. They act as judge, jury, and executioner.

Navigating Google's Zero Tolerance Policy: A Cautionary Tale​

Recently, I encountered a frustrating situation. I added a new feature to one of my older apps, and suddenly, an unrelated button started malfunctioning. It began attempting to open another app, which it was never designed to do. What did Google do?
They suspended the application without any warning or notification. No email asking me to fix the issue, nothing. They detected the problem and decided to completely suspend the app. I could have fixed the issue in just one minute by removing the button. They likely knew it was an easy fix, but they didn’t give me the chance.
I appealed the decision, explaining that I could resolve the problem quickly and requested that they either make the app live again or reinstate it in a way that I could edit it.
Guess what? No response.
This situation perfectly illustrates the power Google holds. They can act however they please. You can't talk to a real person. All you get are automated emails. They don't have to reply and bear no responsibility. In other words, Google operates like a dictatorship. They are the authority, and you have no rights.

The Reality of Taking Legal Action Against Google​

Let's say I want to sue Google. I'd start by consulting my German lawyer, who would send a letter to Google's German office. They would probably direct me to send the letter to the US. Suddenly, I'd be facing tens of thousands in legal fees and a lengthy process. For a small entrepreneur or developer, it's simply not worth it.
And here's the harsh truth: Whatever you're doing, Google will find out. You might be able to trick them for a short while, but once you're on their radar, they'll hit the "suspend" button without hesitation.


Google is continually improving its ability to detect blackhat techniques. Sooner or later, they'll catch you and suspend your account or app. You won't have any chance to get it back, resulting in a lifetime ban. Avoid this by steering clear of blackhat activities with your Admob/Adsense account. Instead, use other ad networks like PropellerAds for such practices.
Google's zero-tolerance policy means they'll block or suspend you without warning if they suspect policy violations. Appeals or legal threats won't change their decision.
Google wields immense power. They control the Play Store, Adsense/Admob, the Search Engine, and have access to nearly every Android phone.
I hope this advice helps those just starting out. When I began with Admob and app development, I naively thought I could just create apps, promote them with Admob, and see what happens. But Google is strict and unpredictable. In other words, you're at their mercy. They won't show any leniency and will come down hard when you least expect it.


Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Sep 21, 2019
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Good luck with your project! How can I find someone to develop a simple app for me? I've tried to find someone locally, but they all turned out to be unreliable, even though my project is really straightforward.



Well-known member

Reputation: 33%
Jun 15, 2020
Reaction score
Good luck with your project! How can I find someone to develop a simple app for me? I've tried to find someone locally, but they all turned out to be unreliable, even though my project is really straightforward.

Try Upwork; there are many skilled developers there who can help with your project.
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