Safely Backup & Restore Groundhogg!
Need to roll back some site changes or maybe your site was compromised? Restoring your site to an older version will rollback Groundhogg to that time as well.
With the Backup & Restore extension, you will be able to backup the Groundhogg tables separately from the rest of your site so business can continue as usual.

Backup & Restore - Groundhogg™
Easily and safely restore Groundhogg in the event of a site backup.
If file/file`s you need is yet not uploaded message us asap!
Write here:
Gmail : [email protected]
Whatsapp : https://wa.me/447490565423
Instagram : https://ig.me/m/mmolearn_com
Messenger : https://m.me/100085355035309
Skype : https://join.skype.com/invite/ATRdW9nB0bSh
Telegram : https://t.me/mmolearnaaa